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The Runaway General | Rolling Stone Politics

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Sounds to me like some of his Aids made statements that did the boss in -- then again he is the boss and takes responsibility for his subordinates -- allowing the media access like this will continue to have dire consequences -- I wonder what would have happened if the same access was granted to General Eisenhower's staff in WWII during the planning of Operation Overlord?

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Rolling Stone has been a less than reliable news source for music over the past few years. I do not expect it to be credible or reliable for anything military.

Not really a good idea to fire him at this time either. It takes a little while for a "shift change".

It is unfortunate that he may lose his job. :/

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I would definately use the Word "Leardership" sarcastically when referring to the administration. Its more of a Clusterf@&k run by a bunch of monkey's Blankity Blanking a football..... But that is just my view of the situation.

Engine Mike



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I would definately use the Word "Leardership" sarcastically when referring to the administration. Its more of a Clusterf@&k run by a bunch of monkey's Blankity Blanking a football..... But that is just my view of the situation.

Engine Mike

You are just way off base insulting monkeys like that. Monkeys are far smarter than that.

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I would definately use the Word "Leardership" sarcastically when referring to the administration. Its more of a Clusterf@&k run by a bunch of monkey's Blankity Blanking a football..... But that is just my view of the situation.

Engine Mike

I'am not in the fight anymore but.I think the General got a bad rub we all know whats going on it is vietnam all over this will last far a while. my opin.

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I don't blame him in any way, the wimp in the WH needs to go back to his fatherland, take all of his crooks with him. He's worse than Carter.

Having a stepson over there on his 4th tour woe be it if something happens to him!!

RZ Hill

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