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Expediter Truck Grease Board


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Do any of you old crew chiefs happen to have a picture of the inside of one of the old blue expediter trucks. Especially a picture of the grease board with the planes assigned to it and their status? Remember all of the abbreviations that were used such as NORS- G, ETIC, ETA, or IRAN? One of my best friends from CCK just reminded me of them tonight . Especially the abbreviation IRAN . I remember wondering why one of our planes was in Iran!!

Remember how many hours we spent in the vans going from place to place getting out of the rain or just goofing off??

You guys from the shops spent your share of time in them also!!

The guy responsible for reminding me of this part of our time on the flight line is Steve Mudge. Remember him??

Thanks for your time,


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I expedited over several rotations in SW and Central Asia up until mid 2007 and we were still using the boards. It was a quick way to check the status on the planes. The trucks were a good place for everyone to get warm during winters in Germany or out of the heat in the desert and of course hide when QA was around.

- Larry

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Remember them WELL. Every 5-7 level got their rotation riding with the launch crew. AMS had one specialist from each shop squeezed in. The driver, a 7 level Tech or Master, worked the radio to Job Control and kept the grease board updated. Specs, on mids" usually "rested" until called (kicked). Big piece of packing foam was essential. On days a good book. Often a boredom to instant frenzy situation.

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Being a "jeep", I knew better than to ask what IRAN meant. You waited until some other new guy asked first!!!

Speaking of grease boards, one of the expediter trucks at Cam Rahn Bay had a nice crease across it from schrapnel from a 122mm rocket attack!

The board was mounted on the engine cover by the driver. Of course the doors were always open. The expediter, a Tsgt. named Tyner got hit in the rear end with some of the hot schrapnel but wouldn't go to the dispensary. He was TDY from CCK.

I'm still hoping somebody has a pic. of the inside of one of the trucks.

Thanks for the replies,


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Being a "jeep", I knew better than to ask what IRAN meant. You waited until some other new guy asked first!!!

Speaking of grease boards, one of the expediter trucks at Cam Rahn Bay had a nice crease across it from schrapnel from a 122mm rocket attack!

The board was mounted on the engine cover by the driver. Of course the doors were always open. The expediter, a Tsgt. named Tyner got hit in the rear end with some of the hot schrapnel but wouldn't go to the dispensary. He was TDY from CCK.

I'm still hoping somebody has a pic. of the inside of one of the trucks.

Thanks for the replies,


Ken you just keep bringing back memories, me and Tyner used to run together at CCK and the dozen. I don't remember if it was the same attack or not but one night I was driving the "SPEEDY" truck hauling specialist and I had just pulled up to the engine shop when a morter hit, I didn't know where their bunker was so I let engine troop lead the way and if he had tripped he'd a had boot prints all up his back for sure. I remember one guy in the bunker saying "Speedy I left my toolbox out in the reventment,will you run me back out there? I replied "The keys are in it". I'm sorry if I got off topic, but if anyone knows what ever happened to Tyner I would like to know, I remember he was from N.C. but can't remember the town.
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[i was driving the "SPEEDY" truck hauling specialist]

All 3-level specialists at CCK got their 30 day turn at driving the "specialist dispatch" bread truck. That's where this "green" kid learned how to drive a stick shift. And it was like "there's first, 2nd, 3rd, 4th kid. Push in the clutch before you shift. Now get moving, it's shift change." I apologize to everyone I dumped off the benches the first couple nights! lol

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Ray, according to the blanket orders in my "members gallery" his name was William!! I think we are talking about the same guy. He used to play the guitar and he was very easy going. I think the reason he wouldn't go to the dispensary after he rocket attack is that he didn't want to get a purple heart for getting shot in the ass!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ahh I have fond memory's of the expediters truck.

On cold Oklahoma nights we would all cram into the truck for our smoke breaks, imagine a bread truck with 8-10 dudes smoking and the single non-smoker gagging his head off!!

Open the door and the smoke rolling out of the truck would put Cheech and Chong to shame LOL


Had my turn at driving and running that damn grease board, was always glad to get back to the planes.

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