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CCK Tail Numbers


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Does anyone have a list of all CCK tail numbers from 1966 to about 1968. I came over with the 50th from Tennessee and we had all the 64's the 776th came with the 63's and the 345th with the 62's. After I arrived at CCK from a short time at Clark I was re-assigned to the 314th engine shop. We had a little trouble at first as the engine troops that came from the 50th only wanted to work on the 64's and so on. This was the case in most all the shops. (don't know about the flt.crews) Soon after the the tail numbers were split up with the 50th, 345th and 776th all getting some 62's, 63's and 64's and that took care of that. I can remember several tail numbers but not all. 64-0536 was one of the best for the engine shop. Thanks for any help! Ron

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I worked on 62-1804 we received it new at Sewart AFB Tenn in the 4442nd. Didn't know it followed me to CCK later. I left CCK in Feb of 1967 and the only one we had at that time was 62-1824 The remainder of the 62's listed must have been received as replacements after I left. From what I remember most of the 62's we had at the time were higher numbers like 1831, 1849, 1853 and 1854. Thanks! Ron

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ronsram, I also worked on 62-1804 at CCK , but from 69-70! It is now in the bone-yard!!!!

I was recently looking at my old records, and in one of my performance reports Sgt. Brower said 1804 was # 7 in reliability out of a total of 57 acft. ( I guess that was due to my good care. ) Actually doesn't 57 airplanes at CCK seem like quite a few?? That report was written in 69 or 70!!


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Yes 62-1804 was good for us in Tennessee but it was new. It was worked hard as the 4442nd was doing training with it for all C-130E services and Countries. It would spend hours doing touch and go day after day. I would say in 66 we had no more than 60 aircraft counting the black birds that we didn't see much of. Ron

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When I arrived at CCK Jan. 71, believe the acft. assigned count was somewhere around the 70/75 number. A good estimate can be made by the number of TASs assigned the wing. Don't remember for sure but believe there were four. I was in OMS but know there are many many crew dawgs here that know for sure the number and what sqds they were. In any case for each TAS there would have been 18 acft. assigned. 16 primary aircraft assigned (PAA) and two not otherwise authorized (NOA). Have no idea how E flight acft. were accounted for.

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Just a quick note on the Airlift squadrons assigned at CCK. When I got there in late 1970 (and was told the war was over) I was assigned the the Black Knights 346th TAS. The four squadrons were 50th TAS, 345th TAS, 346th TAS and 776th TAS as I recall. When E-Flight was transferred from Okinawa, the 346th was deactivated and the 21st TAS and 374th TAW were assigned there. I was proud to have been in E-Flight from early 1971 until I left Clark in late 1975. Because my log books were all in classified operating locations and reconfigured identifications, I can't accurately remember specific tail numbers. Several were 40515, 21859 and 40497. We flew those birds all during my tenure. With us aircrew, tail numbers were not all that significant. Our E-Flight maintenance men were some of the best in the business and our reliability rates proved it. In almost 5 years of E-Flight missions, I never had one scrubbed due to maintenance. Great professionals who could do with bailing wire and chewing gum. Somewhere in my attic I believe I have some pictures of some of them. Hopefully, I will find them one of these days. A big shout out to any CCK vets. It was the greatest assignment of my career and even the skirmish we were involved in didn't change that.

Jon Andrews, former E-Flight Loadmaster

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Ronsram, how are you? Good to hear from some of my fellow Warriors stationed at CCK. I know of 2 that haven't been metioned. In 1967 I crewed 62-1809 which was an ABCCC bird. In 1969-70 I crewed 64-0505. I also remember 63-1837 which was a ramp queen on several occasions. Hope you get all the numbers you're looking for. Take care.


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Ronsram, how are you? Good to hear from some of my fellow Warriors stationed at CCK. I know of 2 that haven't been metioned. In 1967 I crewed 62-1809 which was an ABCCC bird. In 1969-70 I crewed 64-0505. I also remember 63-1837 which was a ramp queen on several occasions. Hope you get all the numbers you're looking for. Take care.


Thanks Wil! I worked on 1809 in the 4442nd and as with 1804 it arrived at CCK after I departed. 1809 made it through Vietnam just to be lost in Iran. I was thinking we had 64-0505 and is that 63-7837 rather than 63-1837. Thanks again! Ron

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  • 3 weeks later...


Thanks for the positive quote you made about E-Flight Maintenance Crews. We also had Great and Professional Flight Crews like yourself that could do everything with a C-130 in a combat/short field/classified enviorment. The other acft we had were 63-7868 and 63-7879 as part of the 5 Greybird E-Models at CCK.


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  • 3 months later...

I flew E-models out of CCK in 1970 and 1971. The USAF's individual flight records only give the last 3 digits of the tail number. I checked the tail numbers at http://herkybirds.com/wiki/index.php?title=C-130E and found many I flew, such as 64-0500. But some are unclear. For example, tail number 824 might have been 62-1824, 63-7824, or 64-1824.

Can anyone help me resolve these ambiguities in CCK birds?

Alan Baker

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  • 2 weeks later...

I worked on 62-1804 we received it new at Sewart AFB Tenn in the 4442nd. Didn't know it followed me to CCK later. I left CCK in Feb of 1967 and the only one we had at that time was 62-1824 The remainder of the 62's listed must have been received as replacements after I left. From what I remember most of the 62's we had at the time were higher numbers like 1831, 1849, 1853 and 1854. Thanks! Ron

A few more pieces of the puzzle. Thanks, Ron!


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The aircraft you mentioned was 63-7824. I still have all my blanket orders with the crew chiefs, assistants and tail numbers.


Thanks, Ray. I'm also looking for info on other tail numbers--please see today's related post in this area for the specific tail numbers.



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  • 7 months later...

Thanks, Ray. I'm also looking for info on other tail numbers--please see today's related post in this area for the specific tail numbers.



My Father was an Aircraft Commander and flew out of CCK in 1967/1968, sadly he just recently passed away. I discovered his flight log while going through his belongings and it lists the mission number, flight hours, and aircraft numbers. He was awarded the DFC while flying 64-0505 into Khe Sahn on 17 April 1968. His log book reflects all the aircraft he flew out of CCK. I would enjoy to hear from anybody that might have more information

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c177tx, There is two story`s for acft. 64-0505. Dec. 9, 1972 acft. Ditched of the coast of Taiwan, but I was there at the time and don`t remember that happen.

The other story is it crashed at Anderson AFB, Guam shooting touch an goes on Dec. 9, 1972. The 2nd story is the real story.........

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