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J Model with gear issue


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The gland nut holds (keeps)the piston in a hyd. cylinder or in this case the lower part of the MLG strut which is the piston, in the cylinder which is the upper half of the strut. The gland nut is a threaded ring which screws into the bottom of the strut barrel (cylinder). If the nut comes unscrewed the lower half of the strut which has the axle and tire on it falls out. The gland nut has safety wire to keep it from unscrewing...which it did anyway for some reason. Bill - Note: After I enlarged the pic of the one posted here, it is clear the gland nut and all the packing is still on the piston part of the strut. It should be fairly easy to determine what went wrong as all the pieces are there.

Edited by Spectre623
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  • 2 months later...

The Gland nut was there, the Locking Bolt was still installed, Sheared off upon being jettisoned from strut casting. Overhaul at Depot was the end issue. Air Force and Maintainers were found clear of any issues. Everyone safe and sound. Took 30 days to return to full service. Thanks again to my Colorado Maintainers to helped us out of this jam!

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