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C-130 landed with one engine


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Many years ago,  I'm told it did happen.This is the story as related to me by a pax who was  on board.The acft .was on it's way to a base in England,probably Mildenhall ,encountered heavy icing and the engine oil coolers were damaged resulting in the loss of oil.The engines were shut down one at a time until only one was left.Cargo was jettisoned and the bird landed safely.This incidadent resulted in the addition of the guards/shields in front of the oil coolers. 

There was also the factual report of 55014 landing dead stick at Evreux when on a test flight and all 4 rolled back right after take off.The test flight was for roll back on the previous flight.The aircraft landed straight ahead with no damage other than to the brakes which needed to be replaced.I don't remember if the tires needed to be replaced.

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On 11/25/2016 at 5:34 PM, Spectre623 said:

I heard about the hail and oil coolers on an A model flight years ago as a 1 striper...about 1964. Could have been the same flight. Bill

Spectre623,I think it happened before "64 as I started on the C130 in "61 and I seem to remember the guards on the oil coolers at that time.

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There was also a Snub-Nose C130A ,a 1954 A  model 54-1636 that landed at Midway island in the early 70's. The Acft was on a ferry mission from the US Conus ,then Hickam AFB  to Vietnam for the VNAF. A fuel transfer problem in- flt caused fuel to transfer from the left wing to the right wing. A later mod was a crossfeed seperation valve on all early "A" Models.

The Acft had both engs on left side flame out and on Emerg Landing at Midway #3 also flamed out during landing.


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