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Everything posted by gizzard

  1. I can appreciate that, that is one reason i threw this out there..... I probably won't do much other than digitalize them right now..........Hey I was a Loady, a firefighter and am still a halfway decent wood worker, what the hell do I know about picture takin'????
  2. Okay, guys, i figure if I can get good info on something, I can get it here. after years and I do mean years, I have found most of my old slides and picture and negatives from my years as a TAC trained killer. and, no Chris, they are NOT deguerreatypes. I want to digitalize them, and want some ideas on a converter. I read the reviews on many of them and still can't tell which is worth getting. I figure some of you, at least, have done this with your stuff, so any advice would be greatly appreciated... thanks Giz
  3. Okay, somewhere in my feeble mind I do remember something like that, now.......just don't ever recall actually applying it....I wonder what the absolute max take weight of an E-model would have been. If I remember right weren't there landing limits as well, and also, never got this really explained to me, a thing called limiting wing fuel????
  4. Hey check/set, weren't the normal trash-haulers limited, at least on paper, to 155K? Wonder why the difference??I know that I am quite sure,as 0495 said, we often tokk off heavier. Depending where it was, I MAY be able to remember sometimes using a verbal "Form F", knowing full well that we were over the 155K, but the whole crew knew it planned for it, and hoped like hell we got off okay. I can remember checkin' the cg's though. If I remeber right, didn't the charts for CG limits go above 155K?????
  5. UOTE=bobdaley;30039]I flew with Slow Leake a few times at Langley. What about Leroy Martin the 37TAS CC? Bob
  6. TW, it varied with who was where, when, of course, but,as for me, I felt that after april or ' 73, especially, things changed. no mpre war to help with promotions, so out came the chicken shit files big time. I know I truly loved the job, but some of the totally unnecessary stuff was ridiculous.............the endless practice recalls and ORI scares, sittin' for hours to get issued a file card that said, pistol, 38 caliber, one each...............BTW, Larry do you remember Lt. Fuzz, the butterbar maintenance officer, who looked like the character in Beetle bailey, and rode around with a big ol' St. Bernard in his truck???
  7. You are exactly right, Larry, it seems like about a one toeight ratio. If everyone woulda been a Leake (slowleak) I doubt if I coulda survived four years, same for the NCO's. my first NCOIC was, beyond a doubt, the best man I ever worked for. My last one was a total jerk........a legend in his own damn Equadoran-born mind. He even treated our E-5's and 6's like two stripers and when I made E-5, he had nothin' to say.................
  8. Naw. I don't think so, Larry. but it would not surprise me. He was the 36th OpsOff, real ass. He DID say once that he didn't think first termers should be on flyin' status or something to that effect. He is also the, well let me save my comments about his canine ancestry, that gave me hell for needin' a haircut( even though it did meet regs, almost) after, and please don't take this as braggin', essentially saved an airplane and six people, basically by doin' my job. My AC at the time told him this, and he just ignored it........And truth be known, it was people like him that pretty much made my decision to be a one termer, a decision I regret today, but then.............
  9. Hey, Ken, ya see this??? Survived he says....................... well, just wait..............................
  10. I want my ' I survived LTC. Leake" medal with four OLC's Giz
  11. let me make a little change to my last post.. I was correct, but....................if a member's records have been placed in the national arhcives, then they become fee-applicable, and there are some fairly steep charges.............That bein' said, it comes to where your info is it appears that after 60-62 years passes since separation, your info goes to the NA. Prior to that your records, supposedly reside in the various military record centers, so maybe that accounts for the question on fees. Giz
  12. I have helped next of kin get information like 214s and such, and I don't think any of them had any charges applied. That may not be the case in every situation, but this, somehow, just doesn't sound kosher to me...
  13. Good to hear, brother, glad you're back
  14. That may be correct in some situations, Dan, but in my case, I was woirse than a butter-bar nav. I could walk up to a poker table, throw all my money on it and walk away... same ultimate result, just less time involved!!!!!!!!!!!! BTW, how have you been? haven't seen ya post for a while... Giz.
  15. That may be correct in some situations, Dan, but in my case, I was woirse than a butter-bar nav. I could walk up to a poker table, throw all my money on it and walk away... same ultimate result, just less time involved!!!!!!!!!!!! BTW, how have you been? haven't seen ya post for a while... Giz.
  16. Now you are really stretchin' my memory, I think the box is somewhat familiar, but the knob I remember as being more flat, not round....... And I still cannot recall how we would disarm or whatever the barometric opener on HALO's so they would not acccidentally deploy when the pressurization dropped off..............Damn gettin' old sucks your brain dry!!!!!!!!
  17. Hey, hey, hey hear ye, hear ye..............the Giz vs. VA has entered another round.............Got a phone call today, from MAINE, talked tio aguy who has been assigned my claim...................imported from B'more via Kentucky, says he will be handlin' it from here on, should be settled by the end of May, I guess he means THIS May. asked me about some inforation they needed, ALL of whioch I had already provided, and he does not have any of it. I may be wrong, but I think this guy may be of benefit to me, but what the hell happened to the other stuff, I don't know, but, US ELDERLY FOLKS, have gotten smart and saved the originals to all of it. In-f'ing-credible ain't it??????
  18. Elderly???? ELDERLY?????? Who are you callin' elderly????????????????? Just because we have cheated Mr. Death to the point 'Depends" is a noun instead of a verb, you call us elderly?????????? Old, senile, infirm, aged, decrepit, etc but never elderly!!!!!!!!!! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Charlie helpme here, since you worked on the chutes...back in my era, we had no ELTS, we did have an orange knob, that I think was on the left side near the waist,, that was the barometric opener, right???? I remember something about checkin' some pins on a steel cable for something and we did so ething to disable the baro-opener for HALO ops ? I also seem to remember that the four lines that made the canopy mod could either be cut, or had some form of loops that you could pull them out of some fancy stitching...all this from 1974 back
  20. ya know, now that you mention it, I think i can remember " three's turnin'" or something like that.. Is my memory correct about waitin' maybe five seconds or so for rotation to start.....I do remember callin' that a few times, and we would just start over........I reckon they had to rewind the rubber bands or somethin'
  21. Sounds like what I remember, except I don't recall "Start Valve open light" I don't remember "Rotation" either.. I DO recall many times callin' "No or negative rotation ( I always thought that sounded like it was turnin' backwards)" or 'Stop Start" a few times, once just after the blades went completely blurred and it was still windin' up, the nacelle panel on top popped up.... Never figured that one out because we had flown for a couple hours to whereever we were and were fixin' to go somewhere else.. My mind says it was at Ft. Benning, but I am not sure...............
  22. Yep, that is supposedly the practice, but, at least here, all ya need is a VA card, and they honor it anyway......mebbe ya ought to move up here, Pat, naw I would advise STRONGLY against that!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Ya know, on pain of soundin' like a freakin' poet, so much of the operation of this ol' pig is like a ritual or litany or whatever...It has been, according to some stuff I found a couple weeks ago, 39 years one month and one day, but I can still recall, almost like it was live, how the engine start went.......outside, I would hear all the checklist items, clear the engine and then start countin' one, two three, up to five and watch for the prop to turn. sometimes when I heard " turning three " or whatever, the prop would bump just a bit, and then it would start turnin' , a little dribble of fuel would run out of the drain mast, then 'Whooomp", the fire would start, and, under the right conditionds, i could see the ball of fire from the front, at night, especially, then the prop was not a succession of blades but now a blur and I will always remember the sound of the engine as it started........ Yep, it might not be the experience of a lifetime, but this was just one of the many things I remember about this old bird........................
  24. I have followin' this a while and have come to a conclusion.....it's generational........and, sorry to say, the trend is to get it done the easy way, no matter what.................And I really don't think a full set of pubs from an entire crew is gonna make THAT much difference in load capacity and fuel consumption........... this whole easy thing has invaded all aspects of life. I used to work for a buddy of mine who had a remodeling business,, when he'd get someone claiming he was a carpenter, Rick would hand him a framing square and a piece of 2x12 and tell him lay out a stair jack/ Ya wanna guess how many could do it without tryin' to look it up somewhere????????
  25. I figured that was the case, but out here on the frontier we don't have both, just Lowe's. And yes the cashier has to get a front end manager to allow it, but I have not eve had a problem with that. I want to see what happens when I go to any of the lowe's stores around Asheville, NC, where my daughter lives. She always has a "Poppa" project for me when I go down there.
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