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Everything posted by gizzard

  1. Sure did, brother...........filled the bill real well!!!!
  2. Thanks, Sonny. I think a good party would kill me, now, but boy there was a time...............
  3. I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer when it comes to this computer stuff, so maybe some of you who are can help me out......... I am sure some of you, like me are forced, by Verizon or whatever, to use yahoo as the email and so on provider. it was lame at best, and recently they changed the whole format. your emails get jumbled up, you can't search them, or anything, Is there any way I can go back to the previous format, or to an entirely different email and homepage type thing??? This really, really sucks Thanks Giz
  4. gizzard


    And you succeed when???????????? Boy if the people on the site knew about your gold mine and all that.............
  5. gizzard


    The only thing I can say about the guard and reserves is this: When I learned back about 1980 or so that Martinsburg was going from 121's to 130's , I said to myself ' Self, you need to get into that." I had been out about six years. I called them, talked to some desk jockey who told me that they didn't need any loadmasters, but they had a slot for somebody in disaster preparedness. I said 'Now listen, I got nearly 1300 hours in the C-130, I was Lapes, and halo qualified, and on my last checkride I was recommended for instructor up-grade training ( how THAT ever came about I will never know). and you want me to help work out a plan in case your storm drains back up?" I left it at that, and that was my mistake, I have gone down there, talked to people in the flying end, and who knows. I kick myself a lot for lettin' that get by. I know many guys who went guard and reserve, and there is no doubt in my mind they carried the ball, too. I don't see how some of them did it with their regular jobs and all. Like I said, wish i had done it, too. And let me add this,,,generally and majority speaking, every guy (and lady) who wore our nation's uniforms and did their job honorably and to the best of their ability, all are VETERANS, every one and should be proud of that. I know that I had one of the best jobs in the Air Force, but I could never have been able to do what I did and have as much fun and such great experiences had it not been for the maintainers who worked on the planes under all kinds of conditions, the admin people who got me paid, the people at the in-flight kitchen who made the coffee and the in-flight meals, the security police officer who made sure nobody messed with our airplane, the refueler guys, the folks who mowed the grass, on and on. So you wanna bristle me up, just say 'I was just a....whatever." There ain't no such phrase in my vocabulary like that when it comes to that. I worked for the U.S Census back in '10, and i encountered a guy who had worked in "Hilda" the airlift command center in Vietnam, and he was the real thing, cause he knew too much about trash hauling not to be, and his philosophy was this " If you never served this nation, in uniform, and were physically and mentally, capable, you ain't a citizen, you're just a visitor.""" Some truth to that......... NUFF SAID!
  6. gizzard


    I just feel that every American male has the duty and the responsibility to serve in uniform in some capacity. You should not need a draft to motivate you, you should not need a 9/11 to make you want to join, you should not be motivated just by a chance at some benefits. It should simply be the fact that our nation needs to be defended. I don't care if you were a grunt in the mud in Nam, flew the stuff we did in the 130, or served two years as a mess cook in Ft. Leonard Wood. You SERVED, and each and every job in the military does something to keep the bad guys thinking. Many guys in the Nam era served in Germany and Turkey, and the Med. Everyone did something to keep the Commies at bay. The only thing ANY vet should not do is play their service for personal advancement, A la John Kerry, and they should have fulfilled what ever obligations they had, instead of just finding it interfered with their plans, like Bush did. You hear all the crap about how unfair the draft was and so on, well let me tell you this.........It was a forgone conclusion that at sometime I was going to do military serve, but out of all my cousins of about my age and physical condition, and all the guys in my high school class, 8 out of 38 entered the service, 4 served in Nam....The rest just did not HAVE to go, and just felt no motivation to do so. Most were perfectly able to pass the physicals and so on, but just didn't seem to think our country was worth serving, but they enjoyed the benefits of being an American..... Just my opinion.............. I COULD be wrong!!!!!!!!!!
  7. gizzard


    Dubbya was assigned to "B" company, he would BE back here when the rest of us left, and he would BE here when we got back. But at least he was in uniform at sometime in his life, not like this thing we have in the White House now.
  8. gizzard


    Roger THAT, Keith.................
  9. gizzard


    What do you expect from this guy???? This was wrong, wrong. wrong.....Mandela may have done a lot for his country, but NOTHING for ours....especially compared to what most on this site has contributed. My daughter was working at a tourist site in Pennsylvania when Princess Diana was killed. Her boss told her to lower the American flag at the site to half mast in honor of her.She said, " If you want it lowered do it yourself, because I am not going to lower that flag that both my grandfathers and my Dad served under for some foreign national." her boss just looked at her and walked away. But ya know what, the flag was not lowered. That's my kid!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Yeah, leak check, or foot problem. toe keeps gettin' dripped on. Casey is gonna ban us all!!!!!!!!!!
  11. How the heck did THAT happen???????????????? DUHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
  12. As opposed to a buddy start?????? Oh my, how this thread has disintergrated!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. So did Tia'chung, or so I heard!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Go away, sweetheart, we rotate back to the states in four days. I'm way past my PCOD!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Oh, for shame, for shame, George, you got it right!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know why, but I had not heard or remembered that for years, until this thread came along. Funny how a mind that is usually in low speed ground idle can spool up occasionally.
  16. Okay, for mostly you old people out there, here's a quiz..........................PCOD................... HMMMMM?
  17. Naw, it just took time to RIPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. You're right , Larry, that is a fine looking airplane, but I still prefer the old jungle camo paint. Guess I will never move into the 21st Century...............
  19. gizzard

    JFK Assination

    None of this seemed real, did it????
  20. gizzard

    JFK Assination

    I was in 10th grade and my class was just gettin' back to our high school, from, of all things, a NASA show at a neighboring high school. The phys-ed teacher met the bus, got on and said, " Your president is dead!"" We first thought he meant our class president, because he had not gone with us, Friday, best I recall. My class was going to have a record hop that night, but cancelled it........IMHO,that date marks the beginning of the decline of the office of President. How our country would have turned out, we will never know..........
  21. How about a dual rail Lieutenant........... Captain
  22. I concur 100% Without Casey's hard work, and Bob Daly as well, we would not have such a site, and we would be really hard pressed to learn what our old mistress is up to, connect with old friends and certainly make new ones, and relive the memories of so long ago. Thanks, Casey, many. many more for you
  23. How about SNAFU???? Situation Normal, All Fouled( or word of your choice) UP!! I don't think it was on the list, and then there was BOHICA, Bend over, here it comes again, MATS- Might Arrive Tomorrow Sometime TAC- Traveling Air circus
  24. Yessir, have a great birthday celebration............and many, many more to ya..........
  25. Well, I am at nearly 29 months now, over five waitin' for them to correct a F$%K up they did in regards to my marital status, even though I sent all the stuff the bastards needed when I first started the process......You want a great sex life??? Deal with Maryland's incompetent VA. You'll get screwed for years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Evidently, even Congressional intervention won't get them off their lazy asses.
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