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Everything posted by Fräulein

  1. That is a shame. I think it may be a generational thing. The kids I transport have not had to experience any sort of "sacrifice". They have not been required to contribute to society in a positive way. Or maybe it is because they have not grown up in a military environment, so they do not know the value of their freedoms. I did catch POV's latest program last night. It was about the Bangor Maine Troop Greeters. I wish that school children were required to watch programs like it or participate in something like this - instead of making a construction paper flag or taking a field trip to the zoo. I'm all for making a construction paper flag, but the kids are not taught the meaning behind the colors or history. They just know that they are doing something with glitter and glue. And a zoo will always be there, but not soldiers returning home. Anyways.. The Way We Get By - a POV film http://www.pbs.org/pov/waywegetby/watch.php
  2. And a thank you from here as well. It was a little disheartening yesterday to find that 99% of the kids I transport had zero clue as to why they got today off.
  3. I know these have already been contriubuted - cannot find the PAC one ?? I am looking for the Santa's Helper patch that was in another person's gallery that was kept on AOL's version of photobucket. But since they discontinued that, I have not been able to find it. Anyone know where it may be located now?
  4. It is saturday and I just woke up.
  5. "Who can tax the sunrise?" LOL!!!!! I needed that. That was great. :)
  6. I believe I may have that. I also have one that is for the PI. I should say "I remember seeing those in the trunk. But it is still located at my mother's house. And I am to lazy to drive into town for getting those.."
  7. I thought all of the images were spectacular. Some were ethereal.
  8. Sometime back I posted a this > So, You\'re Going To...Ching Chuan Kang Thanks to Rivars - he made it into a pdf file available here > http://www.eakerdfc.org/docs/cck-welcome.pdf
  9. http://www.michaelyon-online.com/the-kopp-etchells-effect.htm "The"halo" is caused by static electricity generated as the titanium/nickel blades move through a field of dust (which is kicked up from the ground as the heli lands)."
  10. That belongs in a segment on top gear called "Carbage." http://www.topgear.com/content/timetoburn/sections/carbage/pages/0392/ I sent in a pic the other day of a Chevy caprice with those huge rims.
  11. They are located in just above what I originally thought were Jolly Greens.
  12. I know that you normally would not hear the words "adorable" and "herk" in the same sentence but.... this is a freakin adorable little herk I happened to be at Hobby Lobby just looking. And in that store Christmas is literally "just around the corner". I am all chuffed at my find. There are two Hobby Lobby's in town. That was on sale for 50% off because they forgot to take down the sale sign. I may remove the "sharpie" lines and draw on a cute smiley and eyes. It needs some customization.
  13. I would have loved to have seen that. *crosses fingers that someone has this* To bad the internet was really not what it is today, back then. You would be on Youtube with the air marshal dancers.
  14. Fräulein

    New Members

    I thought it was Jack D. Ripper?
  15. Fräulein

    New Members

    I dunno if I did or not. {fixed}
  16. I have been trying to reach my dad in the PI since friday. I think he must be out having a good time. San Miguel must be on special or something. :P
  17. Came upon this in my weekly youtube troll. Do not know - and could not find that it has been posted before. great little song.
  18. A princess cut shirt on a guy? Someone light in the loafers suggested that. Black socks with sandals? That is so you are properly attired, for when you are yelling at kids to get off your lawn. I think that awas suggested my John McCaine. And when I think of silk fitted headscarves - I think of two things a hijab or a Rip Taylor.
  19. LOL. I am surprised i did not see that on the news.
  20. I think he is talking about this one. currently - I do not know if it is operational. I do not think it is derelict. I think it may have been acquired by the labs as part of their testing to assess hidden damage and wear in aging aircraft. But that is the rumor for just about any aircraft that sits on the field, that stems from the labs acquiring a 747. Little note about the road that you take to get that terminal in the image > It is called Hercules Way. :)
  21. It is sad that the people writing the check are not the people that are using the item needed.
  22. A bit off topic - but it was featured in the more recent Batman film.
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