Site News and Announcements
73 topics in this forum
Job Description Position: Director of Maintenance / Fleet Manager Reports to: Director of Operations Position type: Full-Time, FLSA Exempt Updated: 07/01/2024 Overview The person filling this position should be a seasoned aviation maintenance management professional with heavy maintenance and fleet management experience. The primary responsibility of this position is to manage scheduled and unscheduled maintenance of the company’s mixed fleet of Lockheed C-130 and Boeing 757 aircraft to ensure safety, regulatory compliance, and operational readiness. Key Responsibilities · Ensure c…
Last reply by Bill2700, -
- 1 reply
I am seeking FEI for ab-initio trainees, either FE or LM. (e-mail:
Last reply by Riyan17, -
- 0 replies
I have been able to recover and restore the VA Benefits discussion forum. The post counts are a bit off but I think it is all there.
Last reply by, -
- 2 replies
I have added a C-130 video section to the site and have added a few videos to it. There will be more to come but for now, you can check it out via this link: C-130 Videos or access it from the main menu (top of page, below the header)-->Reference-->C-130 Videos. --Casey
Last reply by casey, -
- 1 reply
Thank you to Tom Robison for contributing his fantastic "Whiskey Charlie" article to the site. Please be sure to check it out.
Last reply by Milroy, -
- 0 replies
I have restored the "Today in C-130 History" block to the main page (just below the "C-130 Forum Post Feed") and fixed the "Today in C-130 History" Database page. The Database page is not visually perfect but I believe all the functionality is there. If not, please let me know. I'll catch the visuals later. --Casey
Last reply by casey, -
- 0 replies
I tweaked the News and Photo of the Week layouts. I hope ya'll like it. --Casey
Last reply by casey, -
- 0 replies
I have moved the site to a new server at and I have changed the front page layout. To my knowledge, everything is up and running. You should notice that the site is much faster now and as I perform a few more tweaks, we should see additional improvement. Sorry for any issues that the move may have caused and for the absence of the gallery for the past couple of weeks. --Casey
Last reply by casey, -
- 0 replies
We have added 31 more Lockheed Service News Issues to the site.
Last reply by casey, -
- 34 replies
As I am sure you have noticed, we have made some changes to the site. These updates will bring increased site functionality, improved social network connections, support for mobile rowswers and host of other enhancements. As we proceed with the migration, we will update this post with additional information; please review it periodically. Feel free to reply to this topic with any feedback and/or questions you may have. Why the change was made About a year and a half ago, a new version of the software suite that the old site used was released and the old version (ours) is no longer supported. Without a supported version, we are no longer able to apply version upgrad…
Last reply by casey, -
- 5 replies
Let us know what you want back first.
Last reply by bbsoto, -
- 2 replies
I have added a new page Latest C-130 Fleet Updates to the C-130 Database. It displays the latest update for each aircraft sorted by date (the date for update, not the entered date). You can view the entire profile for an aircraft by clicking the blue aircraft c/n. I hope you find it useful. --Casey
Last reply by Steve Fuhr, -
- 0 replies
As you all know, this site is about more than the C-130. Discussions regarding Veteran benefits are quite popular and through these discussions, several visitors have receive valuable, even life changing, assistance. Therefore, I found it worthwhile to create a new forum for these discussions. The new forum US Armed Forces Veterans Discussion is divided into two sections: VA Benefits and Other Benefits. I looked through the forums and move several threads into the VA Benefits forum. If there are other threads that should be moved to this area, let me know and I will move them as well. Additionally, if you see a need for additional forums, let me know and I will loo…
Last reply by casey, -
C-130 7th Anniversary!
by Guest- 6 replies
[ATTACH=CONFIG]4355[/ATTACH] Wednesday marked's 7th anniversary! Thank you: To everyone who visits the site. Be it once in a while or daily, without your involvement, there is no community. To those who contribute to the forums. To those who contribute to the gallery. To those who have contributed other files, documents, etc. To those who have referred others to the site. To those who have donated to the site. To those who have purchased items from the site's store or from the site's Cafe Press shop. To Bob Daley for all your contributions and help. And finally to Our sponsors. Over the past five years our community has: Grown to…
Last reply by Sonny, -
Site Update
by casey- 3 replies
Over the past few days, I have made several changes to the site with the hope of improving navigation and the user experience. The highlights are listed below: 1. C-130 Database Added Nose Art Section. As with everything, I will add more images as time permits. Improved the functionality of the Aircraft Search block. Corrected the Results page formatting. Added the "original" data for 30+ B model acft. Added/fixed bread crumb links on several pages. 2. Main Page Added dropdown links to the "C-130 Database" link on the header nav bar for quick access to the C-130 Database pages. Added "User Links" link with dropdown to the header nav bar for quick access to…
Last reply by casey, -
- 0 replies
A little bit of site news for those interested. I have secured the rights to the domain and I have forwarded the domain to The site can now be accessed via either address but the site's official name will remain --Casey
Last reply by casey, -
- 2 replies
After much trial and error, I have a beta version of the C-130 Database Aircraft Profile data entry system and approval system in operation. As I am sure you all can imagine, entering histories for 2,400 pus aircraft is quite an undertaking for one person. It is my hope that the community will join in and help me push the project forward. Please help me by adding/updating entries and/or encouraging persons with firsthand knowledge of the aircraft to add entries and/or funnel info to us. Here's how it works: 1) On the right side of each history entry, there is a pencil icon and a plus symbol icon. Members who are logged in can click them to edit the entry (pe…
Last reply by casey, -
- 8 replies
Today marked's 6th anniversary! I would once again like to take the opportunity to say thank you: To everyone who visits the site. Be it once infrequent visits or daily visits, without your involvement, there would be no community. To those who contribute to the forums. To those who contribute to the gallery. To those who have contributed other files, documents, etc. To those who have referred others to the site. To those who have donated to the site. To those who have purchased items from the site's store or from the site's Cafe Press shop. To Bob Daley for all your contributions and help. And finally to Our sponsors. --Casey
Last reply by donwon, -
- 2 replies
I'm considering offering the sticker below for sale on the site. The price point would be $2.50. Anyone interested? [ATTACH=CONFIG]3565[/ATTACH] 4.25" x 2.75"
Last reply by DC10FE, -
- 0 replies
I was doing some maintenance on the site tonight and discovered that the LSN permissions were messed up. If you have been unable to access some or all of the issues, please accept my apology. The error should now be resolved. If you have never "thumbed through" the LSN, I suggest you do. Most anyone is sure to find something, if not many things, that interests them.
Last reply by casey, -
Home Page Slider Issues?
by Guest- 11 replies
All, Is the home page news story slider causing any of you issues? (slow page load etc...) Casey
Last reply by Mt.crewchief, -
- 3 replies
I wish each one of you a very happy and a very safe Thanksgiving Day. To those of you on active duty that are unable to be home with family I offer a special "Thanks, I salute you!" tinwhistle (Chris #877)
Last reply by SEFEGeorge, -
C-130 Turns Five!
by Guest- 20 replies
[ATTACH=CONFIG]3047[/ATTACH] Today marks's 5th anniversary! Thank you: To everyone who visits the site. Be it once in a while or daily, without your involvement, there is no community. To those who contribute to the forums. To those who contribute to the gallery. To those who have contributed other files, documents, etc. To those who have referred others to the site. To those who have donated to the site. To those who have purchased items from the site's store or from the site's Cafe Press shop. To Bob Daley for all your contributions and help. And finally to Our sponsors. Thank you for sticking with us: Through all the software chan…
Last reply by SEFEGeorge, -
Updated: Google Custom Search
by Guest- 0 replies
All, I have moved the Google custom search to the left side of the main page and set it to display the results in a new window. If you have not discovered/used it yet, check it out. It is best way to locate info on the site. It is so powerful that it will match words in attached/hosted Excel docs, Word docs, PDF docs etc. Opinions? Casey
15,000 images!
by Guest- 0 replies
With the latest additions, the Gallery has surpassed 15,000 images (15,283.) Big thanks to Bob and all others who have contributed. Casey