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Took me a while to find it, but here's the one from PJ-TAC (5225) taken in 1991 in Angola. As I remember, the push button switch was opposite the hand-hold. We had to chain it closed and put a cover over it as the passengers would fill it to overflowing. No a good system for Africa.

Don R.

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Dang! Never got to fly on anything other than honeybucket haulers - double up the garbage bags! No fleet where we're going! (and even when the occasion where fleet was avail - the herders either ignored the call or delayed a good bit) Then came the day when one of the LM's pulled the bag out (fleet said they weren't certified) knotted the top shut then dropped into the herder truck..... I had to "exit" stage left when the first hellfire call came back into the squadron - DO was pissed and I couldn't stop laughing! Beer, its your friend!


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flushable toilet?

Jeeez the worlds getting soft.

Oh on the fleet guys not wanting to take the honey bucket bag with them, I had no sympathy for those klowns, I did four years of driving a turd hearse to dump them commercial jons on the E3A's (still had the commercial 707 toilets back and urinal up front).

Sure as anything the fittings and hoses all leaked (more likely poured out on some of the hearse's).

Play around in other peoples poop long enough and you dont pay much attention to it after awhile (I was an illegal plumber with my plumber uncle all through high school - lots of poop there and even more money)..

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Dan W.!

When I arrived my first squadron (40 AS) we'd a 141 LM who'd retrained to the Herk after his first enlistment. He had one story where (I've no idea of the mechanics of it all) his aircraft was being serviced and something either failed or wasn't accomplished correctly. He said one of the service troops wound up soaked in "stuff" and the ramp a spiffy new brown stain..... glad I wasn't there!

Greatest of days to all!

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