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I had two, four engine rollbacks in four years of fly T models...the sad part was it was with the same S/N sync box. We were trained and practiced the malfunction in every sim. On line checks we would have to talk our way thru the procedure and get to the place where we pointed to the sync box and simulated pulling it. I think the Col was blowing crap out his behind.
But it is such a nice watch!!!
HerkPFE wrote: I forgot to add that he reservoir top that blew off was on an \"A\" Model. And yes, to service a system under pressure without knowing where the leak is taking a chance but the \'A\" models we were moving had some leakage but to top the reservoir up under pressure is bad.
T56MX wrote: I know, I saw Woody about 30 days ago. But never fear, Fritz is still working A Models. I spent 4 years at H&P. HVFS C-130 had the same paint scheme also.
Does anyone have a picture of VR-54\'s ramp sill that had \"Laissez les bons temps rouler\" painted on it. When we stood the squadron up we had the first couple of ramps painted that way. Of course the Wing had a fit and made us remove it...drug our feet doing it but I am hoping someone got pictures of it. Anyone stationed there now? Thanks!
RPM Flux wrote: I have had a \"T\" model utility reservoir rupture while taxiing after maintenance cleaned out the drip pan from over servicing and I have had the top of the utility reservoir blow off after it also pressurized from the same situation but this time it was over serviced by an inflight mechanic that was riding along... So yes it can happen.
It looks like an A model Type II beaver tail and the ramp looks like the Type II light weight floor. Maybe Fritz can share if he has any knowledge, The wing tips and horiz stab tips painted along with the exhaust trail being painted black makes me think of only two companies. Yes, those are the external fuel tanks.
That is why I liked the Navy concept as being an FE was a collateral duty and he/she still had his maintenance job to do. In fact I was the Acting Maintenance Control Chief for almost a year plus being a senior Instructor FE. If you were one of those \"It is my job to pre-flight an aircraft to death\" it was proven pretty quickly and that FE could find themselves burning the midnight oil to get the aircraft fixed.
If you need a set for static display or as a teaching tool, contact Joel at B&G Industries @ 317-258-8204 and ask him to find out if there are any A model outer wings out in storage and who owns them. Tell him Greg sent you :)
DC10FE wrote: Or Safair...as they have really been posting on the job boards needing from what I can tell is six Captains and six Co-pilots. Greg
Bill Miller wrote: They had -7 installed and the performance was greatly enhanced. i think the figures are still proprietary in nature...or someone else can give them up.
\"Airbus threatened to go to court, AF found some shaky dealings between Boeing and a super-grade civil servant, and canceled the deal. There was also a female Col. and several AF military folks that were nailed for shady dealings. Take it from somebody that does maintenance on both Boeing and ScareBus Aircraft...the thought that comes to my mind is like comparing a 1969 Toyota to a 1969 Ford Galaxy. The Toyota was a good car for 50K in mileage then you threw it away...the ford could go 100K in mileage with the right care. I have worked Heavy Maintenance on the A-319/320 and it is a ten year aircraft. Just my two cents
The U.S. Air Force on Friday announced one of the largest military acquisition programs in U.S. history, saying the service had chosen Northrop Grumman over Boeing to replace its aging air refueling tanker fleet. http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/02/29/air.force.tankers/index.html
StovetopNav wrote: Not much left at Willy\'s Grave. That was a happening base back in the early 80\'s. There were 23 P-3\'s and a bunch of C-130\'s. There were always some of each bouncing seven days a week. I was an FE on the P-3\'s there in 1981-82.
Bob, From my records and sources you are correct. The drone launchers will still be around for a while.