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Everything posted by tusker

  1. I won't be there but I'll think of him...across the miles............John Boy
  2. .....as 325X1 said, let's put the fire in the hole!!......John Boy
  3. When I watch this video it's a C-5 Galaxy I look at the landing gear on retraction. It takes a long time for one of the right MLG to retract. What's the big deal.!! is it a lack of hydraulic flow power or something else. There must be a good reason for it!............John Boy
  4. for those like me who have been away from it since a while..................the sound and smell of a T-56 engine!!!......so good!!.......................John Boy
  5. I think the flight crew did the right drill.......................John Boy
  6. .........a C-130!!!......this is what I call a "Machine".............. ..and the guys in the flight deck are part of it!!........let's all enjoy!!....................................John Boy
  7. Hey DC10FE, I am on Facebook too but I still have the same elephant look!!!!!!!!Sorry about that!!!! like would say Maxwell Smart, agent 86 of Control!!!......................John Boy
  8. .like one of the members(Davis) would say: Kick the tires and lite up the fires!................................John Boy
  9. ..and so am I!!....Cheers!!.....................john Boy
  10. tusker

    T-29 Fuel Panel

    ..I like it Dan!!..........................John Boy
  11. Thanks Larry. That is what I thought. It is like a static air start. I was concerned with the FOD like you said. But I suppose you do that on an extreme situation!!...Cheers!!..................John Boy
  12. Hello everybody!.. Don't you think that if above flight Idle, you do not have a throttle split and you do torque out before reaching the max stop!.with a correct TIT....well, I think you're in business. What about FF.!!!(as a joke I feel like sayin': It's not a Dodge pickup, It's a Lockheed Hercules!!) If nobody finds anything in the books, well!! what else can we do!! Let's do it!!!
  13. ....a body start!!!.. I think I have an idea of what is a body start but!!!!!!!! I do not want to make a fool out of me!!!. Please just tell me what is a body start!. You do not mean external power like CSU......you mean something else!!..no no no I have to read the thread again!
  14. First thing first.......we get rid of the squirrels then we take care of the BBQ. I like BBQ ..don't you Dan!!...let's do it!!!............................John Boy
  15. I like your pic Bob!.Cheers!!..........John Boy
  16. Interesting matter!...I wish I could remember the system like when I was workin' on Hercs......................................John Boy
  17. tusker

    Flight Engineer

    Just Feel it as much as you can!!!!!!!!!!!!!..........................John Boy
  18. I realize that I've been away from it for a while now, but I know that there was a TD control, Null system check. And I think that check made sense!!. What'd you think!!!..................................John Boy...........and I liked it so much!!
  19. It ain't my business but!!!!! she ain't lookin' happy!!...........oh Well!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. tusker

    Flight Engineer

    ...all my congratulations.......................John Boy
  21. #2 is also impressive. The size of the aircraft vs altitude!!!!! They know their birds!!!..........Cheers!
  22. Those guys have so much Guts!!!. Full of it! The # 3 is the best one I think!. The guy standing on the runway is Cool . I like it!!!. Thanks TalonOne TF................................John Boy
  23. Oh well! That reminds me my job at Air Canada as a Certified Aircraft Tech.
  24. Well, with great respect, I am very glad about it!!!..............John Boy
  25. tusker


    Your videos make me feel so good. Thank you!!!..........If anybody could see the beauty of it!!
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