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T-56 props


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But are they the same diameter as the Herc's? I've got the old plastic model of the T-56 that is "upside down" from how we're used to it. I was going to try ro build it and mount it "right side up" as we see it, but the prop blades look a little too short.

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Anyone heard of the USAF upgrading the 54H60-117 model props to the 8 bladed type?

I talked to an Air Force Tech Rep who seemed pretty convinced the plan was to upgrade all H-2's and above with NP2000 prop, and all H models period with the new Valve Housing. If everything I've heard came true, however, we'd be flying X-models right now (C-130E upgraded to H-model config) and Little Rock Guard would be training with AMP aircraft a year or two ago. I don't think anybody knows concretely what's going to happen because plans in the C-130 world tend to change quite a bit.

I do know there is a Wyoming plane that is modded right now, which I had the fortune of seeing the other day, and an LC-130H is modded for trials as well, which you can find pictures of at airliners.net under a search for 83-0492.

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  • 1 month later...

The P-3 props are manufactured from the same aluminum billet, have the same shaft diameter, same fairings, etc, but the ends are rounded off making them a little shrtoer the the C-130 54H60-91/117 blades.

I have been working the flight test of the electronic propeller control system (EPCS) and NP2000 propellers for several years. The test results from the EPCS has been very favorable -- much better rpm control, better synch control, much more reliable and maintainable, much quieter inside the cargo area. We have a requirement and money to put EPCS on the LC-130H fleet. We have a requirement but no money for anything else.

NP2000 uses the EPCS so you get all of the EPCS improvements on the NP2000 with additional thrust at lower airspeeds -- kind of an optimization between the performance of the old 3 bladed props and the 54H60 props. We will be heading to Edwards next month to complete the DT&E so that we have the data for a performance manual but as of yet, none of the MAJCOMs have stood up to a requirement for NP2000 propellers.

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  • 4 years later...
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  • 4 years later...

Same blades, hence when Robins shut down the propeller line after the KC-130T accident it effected the USN too.  Slightly different processes during processing and rounded tips vs. squared off tips but virtually the same identical prop.

As for the NP2000.  Big USAF bought off on upgrading the MASS, MAFFS and LC-130s with NP2000 props.  That was all to be done...ANG and AFRC were not really happy being stuck with all the remaining Legacy acft (AMC owns only Js) so ANG and AFRC basically said if you are giving us all the left overs, we're going to put NP2000s on them for reliability etc.  Funding is huge but worth it...timing is the long pole in the tent, how lone to upgrade all the Legacy with 3.5 and the new props.


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