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Old school stuff


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What ever became of the old AWADS(?) system that we had back in the first part of the 70's. I'm talkin' about the system that had the buttons on a panel on the glare shield, with, I think, up down, right left and perhaps plus and minus. there was a big black dome on top of the fuselage. I seem to remember either the nav or the copilot had to do something with it, enter a code or somethin'. Best I can recall, it was not all that reliable sometimes. Surely I didn't imagine it , did I???


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All the SKE did was assist with formation flying, right???? I can remember times when it would start out workin' and thne just up and quit. Was I right about either the co=pilot or nav settin' some code numbers in a box maybe five feet aft of 245, above the hog trough???


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Giz, I think what your posting about was the nav. inserting the IFF mode 4 code which changed daily.

that may have been, Larry. But I only recall them doin' it on formation stuff. 'Course, my memory may not be all that reliable either.

BTW, you comin' to Hampton next month??


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Yep that was the old SKE, late 70's/early 80's. Mode 4 was just inside the crew door on the left.

Don't remember anything there by the crew door on our E's, now that was 71 or so, the birds were mostly 61 to 63 models,if I remember right. It seems to me that the SKe came on board after I started flyin', that would be after July '70. of course, 42 years can really fog stuff up...........


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I seem to remember setting a code on a box mounted near the ceiling towards the front of the cargo compartment on the Langley birds. I would get the code from the Nav. Anyone remember that? If I remember right, it sent some type of identifier signal.


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The IFF was by the Crew Door on the C-130A. There was no SKE on the A's. The IFF and SKE both were in the hog trough on the E's. There was a code to set in SKE and the Mode-4 code on the IFF KY-95 unit. The IFF mode-4 key was a 4-digit "code of the day". It has been too many years for me to remember what the code for the SKE was.

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There was actually 2 places to set the IFF Mode codes in the E's. The Mode 4 was set in the avionics rack by the crew door using the big black keyer that had a bunch of slide pins that corresponded to the COMSEC tapes. In the hog trough was where the 4 digit IFF mode1 code was set. The SKE code was the 2 digit code between 01 and 33 that was assigned as the SKE formation position number. That was on the old SKE. The new E-SKE and IFF codes are all loaded on the flight deck.

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The only thing SKE did was take some enjoyment out of flying. When Charie West got the H2s the 16 88's (Charlie West & Milwaukee) didn't have SKE. Loved it! Later we got SKE 2 or what ever the solid state second version of SKE is. Worked better than the original SKE on the E models but still was a PITA.

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