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  • core_pfield_13
    Canoeing, woodworking and of course, Aircrafts


  • core_pfield_11
    Hello! a few words about me,..I used to be in the Canadian Armed Forces as an AE tech, on C-130 , at CFB Trenton, Ont.
    I worked for Air Canada as an AME L-1011......................and now, after all those years, I am back in the trade..........Premier Aviation Overhaul Center Inc....
  • core_pfield_12
    Bury, Que.
  • Occupation
    canoe builder and AC Mech.

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  1. Allo!!........looking at the top picture of the engines indications,...............looks like a flight sim picture to me..........!!!!!!!!!
  2. Seems like something is wrong with this topic and everybody gave up!!!................It didn't make sense anyway!!............let us be serious!
  3. Allo!....myself I have always used a brass punch, small hammer and sometimes....support the rod under
  4. Then....I went on L-1011 and 747.................heavy stuff!
  5. Just for the heck of it.........I used to be certified AME on DC-8...............sorry about that!!! But you're right.....it looked like a steam engine.
  6. Too bad I've been away from those machines so long because I like that kind of snag!!!!!
  7. i like this above reply from Natops1
  8. Oh yes........love it too!!....................................Tusker
  9. Allo Bob.........concerning RCAF E models 307, 319 and 327.........we should ask to Herk308...he must know for sure.
  10. If you look in jacking and shooring chapter
  11. I did some browsing on the web and I found my answer...........FADEC,....no more condition lever.......a prop balancing like the one on ATR engines...............oh well!!!
  12. Allo Larry......do not worry.....I'm still alive and kickin'
  13. tusker

    T-56 props

    this Dan is still on the ball!!
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