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AC-130A Ghost Rider walkaround


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Speaking of Roman nose A Mod. gunships. I know that I have seen many pictures  of  the early Roman nosed gunships, but I almost will swear there was one parked in a revetment at Ubon when I was flying Blind Bat in the fall of 1968. It had a name on it, but of course I don't remember it. I have a hard bound book of gunships and it is in it, but maybe that's where I got the idea I saw it in person.

I'm too lazy to look for that book right now, but it probably has the dates in it. Could I be imagining it, or was there one there at that time without a radome?? 



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There were 8 Roman nosed A's that became gunships.

53-3129, 54-1623 and 54-1625 to 1630.

I think all of them except 54-1626 which was the test model had new radomes installed when converted to gunships.

54-1626 eventually got a new radome. There are a few pics of 1626 as a Roman nose gun ship in the gallery.


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On December 1, 2015 at 2:32:32 PM, Robert Podboy said:

Bill, thanks for sharing.


The A model gunships had an extra gearbox generator (DC?) on 2 & 3 to power some of the sensing  / gun stuff.  I removed and replaced one at Naha.


Mx contribution to the war effort.





Yes thats right in fact #1-2-3-4 all had "DC" generators with the added "AC" generators on #2-3 I was assigned to the 374th FMS electric shop 68-70 and other than supporting Nam at TSN, CRB, and a bunch of nameless strips in country with the "A"s we received an urgent mission from Pacaf and all the Gunships started dropping from the sky at Naha seems they were having an issue with the Generator brush inspections at Ubon and the generators started failing in flight. Made friends with the crew chief who didn't get out of the gunship while crash landing back at Ubon. One of 3 fatalities.


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