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Everything posted by BobWoods

  1. BobWoods

    B-52 MITO

    Back in '69 our crew flew a left hand mission from Cilgi AB to Moldyhole, couldn't over-fly any country so it was over water out through the straits turn right and head for the UK. It was a long day for one little box smaller than my helmet bag, 14 hours I think it was.
  2. Thats my take on 'gormay' coffee too! It all tastes like its three days old and had been warmed each day.
  3. It seems to me that at the school house we used to pull the three C/B's for the aux feather motor and shut one down in flight as a demo to students pilots and FE's that it would feather without AC power. Could be that at one time it was on the FCF check list
  4. If I remember right the prop airstart/feathering pump is AC powered.
  5. In the 345 sub forum I posted concerning a set of crew orders from the 345th circa 1967, looking for old buddies? This may help.
  6. I sliced the side of my head open on the GTC door
  7. There was a story that circulated around CRB in the late 60's about a Spare crew that had aquired a jeep from some army outpost. They had private transport until they needed gas and when they needed gas they had no POL card. The jeep was confiscated by the motor pool.
  8. BobWoods


    Who that has been there can forget the Bounty Prince Charley surrounded by the Fayette Cong. I made a few trips there from Sewart in the mid 60's. I have heard that it has been replaced with a Marriot. The ceiling fell on us while we were asleep one night, lucky for us we didn't get hurt.
  9. I was in MATS MX and TAC and PACAF as FE and I never was anywhere that CC's or FE's taxied. As a MX troop I was runup qualified on 130's and 133's but after I became an FE I never again did a run-up. Just my experience!
  10. FE's didn''t taxi long before 7789 was stolen. I joined up in Oct 61 and crew chiefs and FE's didn't taxi airplanes during my 20 years.
  11. The crash site is actually southwest from Moldyhole, as if he was headed for the Azores.
  12. Heres the link to the yahoo group http://groups.yahoo.com/group/637789/
  13. Sorry 'bout that, someone should have said, "Welcome aboard Mate" Bob Woods, an old flyboy
  14. It was like that back in the 60's and 70's too, it was always feast or famine on manning, Randolph would ship people to places that had extras and other places AFE's were flying almost everyday. bobwoods
  15. Yes, Curtis Wright electric props, I worked on them at Tachi in the early 60's and some times an A model on the east side sounded a whole lot like the 133 on landing, on take off it made a sound like nothing else.
  16. Dan, Thanks, its been since 1968 that I was around an ABCCC bird, I remember being told something they were used for, maybe it was the med evac comfort pallet we used at Rhein Main.
  17. Thanks, over the years alot of crazy names for things have came about because of silly mistakes or omissions. Like calling the TD Amp inside the engine the "No Step Box" The weight reduction hardware used on the E models, we called 'em "LBJ nuts" and the white stuff was called "pigeon shit" I don't remember ever replacing any of the shit. Hamilton Standard put out a brochure, in it was a cartoon style picture of the valve housing showing the pilot valve rotating, I argued with a SEFE that there was no way in hell that valve could rotate and not fail. I passed the check ride but I don't remember the outcome of the dicussion. Checked/set out
  18. Didn't the ABCCC capsule plus intothose outlets?
  19. I bet that if the whole page was printed, there is a list that goes along with that drawing that says, 1= Rear overhead escape hatch 2= Center overhead escape hatch 3=Cargo compartment escape hatch 4= Flight deck overhead escape hatch, this looks like a page out of the IPB
  20. For us old farts Medicare partB is going up also with no cola to offset it. That sucks
  21. Stoney, But the condition lever doesn't close the firewall shut-off valves does it. Seems to me there was two different inflight engine shutdown check lists, one for emergency, one for normal inflight engine shutdown.
  22. Didn't the AF have a Combat Crew Member Badge back in the 60's and 70's but it was only issued to SAC missle crewmembers?
  23. Wil, I flew ABCCC out of Udorn in 67-68 I remember some missions were longer that that if your replacement was late getting airborne. I don't have my form 5's anymore but I think some were 14 hours plus. More than once I landed with zero fuel in the inboards, on crossfeed, with my fingers crossed. Couldn't have been good for wing limiting, but that was nothing compared to the weighs at takeoff. bob woods
  24. Years ago on the original chat board he was a pain in the arse smartass that enjoyed harrassing other posters. There was also Larry the Load and a couple others. Back then one didn't have to register to post and there was just one board. I miss the old days it was loads of fun.
  25. Why would he want too? He wore out his welcome years ago. For all we know he is already here using a different name.
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