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C-130 related acronyms

Robert Podboy

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Air Start!!!! --There used to be a place in Naminoue we called "air start alley"

At least the guys told me so!! The one similar was called Mamma Do-Rights Turkey Farm located out the back gate at Naha!!

Okay, now let's clean it up!!!!

Oh yeh, there used to be something called a "leak check" !! I think it had something to do with the PCOD

Now, where were we????

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Air Start!!!! --There used to be a place in Naminoue we called "air start alley"

At least the guys told me so!! The one similar was called Mamma Do-Rights Turkey Farm located out the back gate at Naha!!

Okay, now let's clean it up!!!!

Oh yeh, there used to be something called a "leak check" !! I think it had something to do with the PCOD

Now, where were we????

Yeah, leak check, or foot problem. toe keeps gettin' dripped on. Casey is gonna ban us all!!!!!!!!!!

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Another acronym that might follow after you guys visited them " establishment's" mentioned here is DNIF, but only until the penicillin kicked in. Ha-Ha. I'm not making fun of you VN guys, 10 years later on the other side of the world in Germany down town Frankfurt had a place named Kaiser Strasse. that place put a new meaning to the phrase window shopping. K street was the start of a lot of fun stories. As you guys say, or so I'v heard.

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What about all your airdrops & terminal area stuff - you know, where we make our money?? ;)

HSLLADS - High Speed Low-Level Aerial Delivery System

LAPES - Low Altitude Parachute Extraction System

CDS - Container Delivery System

CRS - Container Release System

CRL - Container Ramp Load

GRADS - Ground Release Airdrop System

LCLA - Low Cost Low Altitude airdrop

GPES - Ground Proximity Extraction System

PLADS - Parachute Low Altitude Delivery System

CARP - Computed Air Release Point

HARP - High Altitude Release Point

PI - Point of Impact

CEP - Circular Error Probability

FARP - Forward Area Refuel Point

FARRP - Forward Area Rearm and Refuel Point

ALARP - Air-Landed Arming and Refueling Point (UK Herk)

RGR - Rapid Ground Refueling

SCA - Self-Contained Approach

Navigation Stuff:

TF - Terrain Following

TA - Terrain Avoidance

ARA - Airborne Radar Approach

STOL - Short Take-Off and Landing

NVIS - Night Vision Imaging System

NVD - Night Vision Device

IDS - Infrared Detection Set

VG - Vertical Gyro

RCR - Reverse Current Relay

MFD - Mutli-Function Display

MC- Mission Computer

CDC - Control Display Computer

LORAN - LOng RAnge Navigation

TACAN - TACtical Air Navigation

VOR - Visual Omni Range

ADF - Automatic Direction Finder

SKE - Station Keeping

HF - High Frequency

UHF - Ultra-High Frequency

VHF - Very High Frequency

SCNS - Self Contained Navigation System

INS - Inertial Navigation System

IRS - Inertial Reference System

RNAV - aRea NAVigation


AMC - Air Mission Commander

DMC - Deputy Mission Commander

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US Herk,

Thanks for getting us back on thread

Here's an updated list:

Acronym Description C-130 related? M for maybe related, N for Not related

AA - Air America

3C - Cross Cultural Competence

AAF - Afghan Air Force

AB - Air Base or Airman Basic

ABCCC - Airborne Battlefield Command and Control

ABDR - Aircraft Battle Damage Repair

ACC - Air Combat Command

ACS - Air Commando Squadron

AD - Air Division

ADF - Automatic Direction Finder

AF - Air Force

AFB - Air Force Base

AFP - Armed Forces of the Philippines

AFRES - Air Force Reserve

AFSC - Air Force Specialty Code

AGE - Aerospace Ground Equipment

AKA - Also Known As

ALARP - Air-Landed Arming and Refueling Point (UK Herk)

AMARC - Aircraft Maintenance And Regeneration Center, Davis Monthan AFB, AZ "the bone yard"

AMC - Air Mobility Command

AMC - Air Mission Commander

AMC - Air Mission Commander

ANCL - Army-Navy Liquidation Commission

ANG - Air National Guard

AOG - Aircraft On Ground

AOR - Area Of Responsibility

AP - Airport

APU - Axillary Power Unit

ARA - Airborne Radar Approach

ARI - Alcohol Related Incident

AS - Airlift Squadron

ASAP - As Soon As Possible

ATM - Air Turbine motor

AW - Airlift Wing

AWAD - All Weather Airborne Delivery System

AWP - Awaiting Parts

BS - Bombardment Squadron

C / N - The Construction Number, also known as manufacturer's serial number (msn), is the permanent identity of an aircraft assigned by the manufacturer.

C-130 - AKA Hercules, Herc

C-130 - AKA 'The Samaritan of the Skies'

C-130 - AKA Four Fan Trash Can

C-130 - AKA Four Fans of Freedom

CARP - Computed Air Release Point

CCK - Ching Chuan Kang Air Base is a Republic of China Air Force (ROCAF) base located in Taichung, Taiwan.

CCTS - Combat Crew Training Squadron

CDC - Control Display Computer

CDS - Container Delivery System

CDS - Container Delivery System

CEP - Circular Error Probability

CLSS - Combat Logistics Support Squadron

Cr - Crashed

CRB - Cam Ranh Bay

CRL - Container Ramp Load

CRS - Container Release System

CWB - Center Wing Box

CYA - Cover Your Asp

DAM - Damaged

DMC - Deputy Mission Commander

DOD - Department Of Defense

E & E - Electrical and Environmental Systems

EAMs - Emergency Action Messages

EAS - Expeditionary Airlift Squadron

ECM - Electronic Counter Measures

ECS - Electronic Combat Squadron

EGI - Embedded GPS/Inertial Navigation

EMI - ElectroMagnetic Interference filters

ERO - Engine Running Onload/Offload

EWP - Emergency War Plan

FAC - Forward Air Control (FAC; "Flare")

FAF - Fly Around the Flag pole

FARP - Forward Area Refuel Point

FARRP - Forward Area Rearm and Refuel Point

FGO - Field Grade Officer (majors, lieutenant colonels, and colonels)

FLIR - Forward Looking Infrared sensor

FMC - Fully Mission Capable

FMS - Field Maintence Squadron or Foreign Military Sales

FOB - Forward Operating Base

FOD - Foreign Object Debris or Foreign Object Damage

FY - Fiscal Year

G-LOC - G-induced Loss of Consciousness

Gelac - Lockheed-Georgia Marietta, GA

GPES - Ground Proximity Extraction System

GRADS - Ground Release Airdrop System

GTC - Gas Turbine Compressor

HAPR - High Altitude Release Point

HERP - Hostile Environment Repair Procedures

HF - High Frequency

HOC - Hercules Operation Council

HSLLADS - High Speed Low-Level Aerial Delivery System

IAP - International Airport

IAR - International Air Response

IAW . In Accordance With

IDS - Infrared Detection Set

IED - Improvised Explosive Device

IFE - In-Flight Emergency

INOP - Inoperative/Inoperable

INS - Inertial Navigation System

IRS - Inertial Reference System

JASDF - Japan Air Self Defense Force

JATO - Jet-Assisted Takeoff

KIA - Killed In Action

LAPES - Low Altitude Parachute Extraction System

LAPES - Low Altitude Parachute Extraction System

LCLA - Low Cost Low Altitude airdrop

LMAP - Left hand mill around pattern

LMCO - Lockheed Martin Corporation

LMT - NYSE symbol Lockheed Martin

LOAN - LOng RAnge Navigation

LPU - Life Preserver Unit

LVIS - Land, Vegetation and Ice Sensor

MAC - Military Airlift Command

MAD - Magnetic Anomaly Detector system (the Black Crow)

MASDC - Military Aircraft Storage and Disposal Center

MATS - Military Air Transport Service

MC - Mission Computer

MFD - Mutli-Function Display

MPF - Military Personnel Flight

NEIAF - Netherlands East Indies Air Force

NKAWTG - Nobody Kicks Ass Without Tanker Gas

NLG - Nose Landing Gear

NVD - Night Vision Device

NVG - Night Vision Goggles aircraft compatible lighting

NVIS - Night Vision Imaging System

OEF - Operation Enduring Freedom

OIF - Operation Iraqi Freedom

OND - Operation New Dawn

PACAF - Pacific Air Forces

PCA (ed) - Permanent Change of Assignment (PCA), which describes the reassignment of active duty personnel to a new unit within the same military base.

PCS (ed) - Permanent Change of Station (PCS) is the official relocation of an active duty military service member—along with any family members living with her or him—to a different duty location,

PDS - Permanent Duty Station

PFM - Pure F&*^king Magic; Term to refer to a technical problem that somehow resolved itself

PI - Point of Impact

PLADS - Parachute Low Altitude Delivery System

POW - Prisoner of War

R&R - (1) Remove and Replace,(2) Rest and Recuperation (or Rest and Relaxation)(or Rest and Recreation)

RAAF - Royal Australian Air Force

RAF - Royal Air Force

RAM - Rapid Area Maintenance Team

RCAF - Royal Canadian Air Force

RCR - Reverse Current Relay

RFF - Request For Forces (initiated by Army)

RGR - Rapid Ground Refueling

RNAV - aRea NAVigation

RNLTD - Report No Later Than Date

RNV - Republic of Vietnam

RNZAF - Royal New Zealand Air Force

ROCAF - Republic of China Air Force

RTIC - Real Time In the Cockpit

RTMC - Returned to Military Control

SAR - Search And Rescue

SCA - Self-Contained Approach

SCNS - Self Contained Navigation System

SEA - South East Asia

SERE - Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape

SKE - Station Keeping Equipment

SKE - Station Keeping

SOC - Struck Off Charge

SOG - Special Operations Group

SOS - Special Operations Squadron

SOW - Special Operations Wing

SS - Support Squadron

STAR(S) - Fulton Surface To Air Recovery system or STARS (aka a Sky Hook Extraction)

STOL - Short Take-Off and Landing

SVAF - South Vietnam Air Force

SVN - South Vietnam

TA - Terrain Avoidance

TAC - Tactical Airlift Command

TACAMO - Take Charge and Move Out

TACAN - TACtical Air Navigation

TAD - .Navy in place of TDY. Temporary Attached Duty.

TAG - Tactical Airlift Group

TAS - Tactical Airlift Squadron

TATG - Tactical Airlift Training Group

TATS - Tactical Airlift Training Squadron

TAW - Tactical Airlift Wing

TCS - Troop Carrier Squadron

TCS - Troop Carrier Squadron

TCTO - Time Compliance Technical Order

TCW - Troop Carrier Wing

TDS - Temperature Datum System

TDY - Temporary Duty Assignment

TF - Terrain Following

TG - Test Group

TIT - Turbine Inlet Temperature

TO - The Air Force Technical Order (TO) System provides educational and operational tools for supporting AF-wide operations and maintenance programs.

TOLD - Takeoff and Landing Data

TSN - Tan Son Nhut Air Base (Vietnamese: Căn cứ không quân Tân Sơn Nhứt) (1955– 1975) was a Republic of Vietnam Air Force (VNAF) facility.

UAV - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), also known as a drone, is an aircraft without a human pilot on board.

UHF - Ultra-High Frequency

USAF -- United States Air Force

VG - Vertical Gyro

VHF - Very High Frequency

VOR - Visual Omni Range

W/O - Written off

WAA - War Assets Administration

WAF - Women in the Air Force, the program ended in 1976 when women were accepted into the USAF on an equal basis with men.

WFU - Withdrawn from use

WPAFB - Wright Patterson Air Force Base

WRS - Weather Reconnaissance Squadron

May be C-130 related

BOHICA - Bend Over, Here It Comes Again M

DOW - Died of Wounds. M

FIGMO - Finally I Got My Orders M

FNG - F&*^ing New Guys M

FUBAR - F&*^ed Up Beyond All Repair M

HUW - Hurry Up and Wait M

IYAAYAS - If You Ain't Ammo, You Ain't Shit M

MRE - Meal, Ready-to-Eat M

NACA - National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics M

NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration M

PFT - Physical Fitness Test M

PLAAF - People's Liberation Army Air Force M

RFC - Reconstruction Finance Corporation M

SNAFU . Situation Normal, All Fouled ( or word of your choice) UP M

SWAG - Scientific Wild-Ass Guess M

TLAR - That Looks About Right M

VIP - Very Important Person M

WAG - Wild-Ass Guess M

Not C-130 related

CAP - Civil Air Patrol N

DBA - Dirtbag Airman (An Airman who does not represent the Air Force Core Values) N

IAAFA - Intra-America Air Forces Academy N

JEEP - Just Enough Education To Pass N

MAP - Military Assistance Program N

NASM - National Air and Space Museum N

USAAC - United States Army Air Corps N

USAAF - United States Army Air Forces N

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MAFFS - Modular Airborne FireFighting System

AFW - Anti-flash white is a brilliant white color paint. The purpose of the color was to reflect some of the thermal radiation from a nuclear explosion, protecting the aircraft and its occupants.

WFU - Waiting Future Use, the more common use is Withdrawn From Use

NC - Not Compliant

TDCV - Temperature Datum Control Valve

TDC - Temperature Datum Control

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Another acronym that might follow after you guys visited them " establishment's" mentioned here is DNIF, but only until the penicillin kicked in. Ha-Ha. I'm not making fun of you VN guys, 10 years later on the other side of the world in Germany down town Frankfurt had a place named Kaiser Strasse. that place put a new meaning to the phrase window shopping. K street was the start of a lot of fun stories. As you guys say, or so I'v heard.

DNIF: Drunk, Not Interested in Flying.

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ACL – Allowable Cargo Load,

ACC-Air Combat Command,

ARA – Airborne Radar Approach,

APN59 – Weather Radar,

DEROS – Date Estimated Rotate Overseas,

ETIC-Estimated Time in Commission,

JSOC – Joint Special Operations Command,

PAR – Precision Approach Radar,

MAC – Military Airlift Command,

HERK – Hostile Environment Repair Kit,

UARRSI – Universal Aerial Refueling Receptacle Slipway Installation

In defense of GACGuy’s post about being able to discharge a fire extinguisher bottle without a Fire Handle pulled is not entirely false – On early A Model’s this was the case, but on B’s, E’s and H’s the Fire handle has to be pulled to power the agent discharge switch.

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ACL – Allowable Cargo Load,

ACC-Air Combat Command,

ARA – Airborne Radar Approach,

APN59 – Weather Radar,

DEROS – Date Estimated Rotate Overseas,

ETIC-Estimated Time in Commission,

JSOC – Joint Special Operations Command,

PAR – Precision Approach Radar,

MAC – Military Airlift Command,

HERK – Hostile Environment Repair Kit,

UARRSI – Universal Aerial Refueling Receptacle Slipway Installation

In defense of GACGuy’s post about being able to discharge a fire extinguisher bottle without a Fire Handle pulled is not entirely false – On early A Model’s this was the case, but on B’s, E’s and H’s the Fire handle has to be pulled to power the agent discharge switch.

True and if memory serves the fire bottle discharged by default to # 2 engine.It wasen't a happy day if a puddle of agent was discovered under an engine on an early morning pre-flt or any other time for that matter.

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C-130 - AKA 'Fat Alberts' Blue Angels support aircraft

ASR - Airborne Satelite Retriever

FOIA - Freedom of Information Act

AIB - USAF Aircraft Accident Investigation Board

SIB - USAF Safety Investigation Board

TERPS - Terminal Instrument Procedures (Forms)

AWADS - Adverse Weather Air Drop System (corrected changed All to Adverse)

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True and if memory serves the fire bottle discharged by default to # 2 engine.It wasen't a happy day if a puddle of agent was discovered under an engine on an early morning pre-flt or any other time for that matter.

By default the valves had to be configured in a certain position. There are 4 movable 2-position valves, GTC/Engines, LW/RW, 1/2 engines, 3/4 engines. To eng 2 position no valves move just get powered to the position they're in. For #3 only the LW/RW valve moves. If you check the inbd drybay valves on preflight, the small lever is pushed left and springs back to the right, showing the default and proper installation position. The B model was changed to preclude the inadvertent dischaarge of agent without a handle being pulled.

Pretty simple figure in the dash 1.

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The relationship of following acronyms is described in

Maintenance for a New Hercules

By Scott Brinegar Dan Budde, Chris Crabb, and Duane Szalwinski



Vol. 26, No. 2, April - June 1999 (starts on page 3)

ACAWS - Advisory, Caution, and Warning System

AMU - Avionics Management Unit

CNI-SP - Communication, Navigation, Identification System Processor

CMDU - Color Multipurpose Display Unit

DGMP - Deployed Ground Maintenance Program

DSDTS - Dual Slot Data Transfer System

EMS - Engine Monitoring System

GBDS - Ground Based Data System

GMS - Ground Maintenance System

MC - Mission Computer

MWO - Maintenance Work Order

OMP-MC - Operational Maintenance Program - Mission Computer

OMS - Organizational Maintenance Software

PMA - Portable Maintenance Aid

RMM - Removable Memory Module

SHM - Structural Health Monitoring

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From: C-130 Broad Area Review January 1998

Section 9.1 Glossary of Terms


AFI - Air Force Instruction

AFSOC - Air Force Special Operations Command. The major Air Force Command over special air operations (PSYOP, gunship, ABCCC, etc.)

BAR - Broad Area Review

CAD - Combat Air Delivery - delivering cargo by landing at an airfield (airland) or dropping it by parachute (aerial delivery).

CRM - Cockpit Resource Management. Training which focuses on enhancing crew synergy and coordinating mission accomplishment and handling unusual or emergency situations.

CVR - Cockpit Voice Recorder

DFDR - Digital Flight Data Recorder - a tape recording system that constantly records some aircraft flight instrument readings.

ESU - Electrical System Upgrade. The C-130 programmed modification to provide no-break power to the sensitive, critical components.

FAA - Federal Aviation Administration

FCF - Functional check flight. The test flight done immediately following major aircraft maintenance.

FMEA - Failure Modes and Effects Analysis

FMECA - Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis

IDCU - Integrated Display Control Unit

INU - Inertial Navigation Unit

ISO - Isochronal inspection. A home station maintenance action requiring partial disassembly of the airframe.

LTM - Lockheed Technical Manual

NTSB - National Transportation Safety Board

OJT - On-the-job training

PDM - Programmed Depot Maintenance. Periodic major preventative maintenance performed on an aircraft at a maintenance depot.

PQDR - Product Quality Deficiency Report

PSI (or psi) - Pounds Per Square Inch

PSYOP - (pronounced si-op) Psychological Warfare Operations

RPM - Revolutions Per Minute. In reference to the C-130, 100% engine RPM is 13,820 RPM and 100% propeller RPM is 1020 RPM.

SCNS - (pronounced "skins") The self-contained navigation system.

SECAF - Secretary of the Air Force

SPO - System Program Office. The Air Force office which handles life cycle management of a weapon system.

TD - Temperature Datum System, which is composed primarily of the TD valve and TD amplifier (TD amp).

NULL - Refers to the condition when the TD Amp sends no signal to the TD valve.

PUT - Refers to the condition when the TD Amp sends a signal to the TD Valve to add fuel.

TAKE - Refers to the condition when the TD Amp sends a signal to the TD Valve to restrict some fuel.

Aerial Delivery - Combat Air Delivery wherein cargo or paratroopers are dropped by parachute.

Airland - Combat Air Delivery wherein cargo or personnel are delivered by landing at an airfield.

Assault Landing - A short field landing (3,500’ or shorter runway).

Bailout - Emergency egress of an aircraft via parachute.

Bold Face - Critical items in the flight manual that must be performed immediately to avoid aggravating an emergency and causing injury or damage. These items must be committed to memory.

Class A Mishap - An accident which results in loss of life, permanent disability, loss of aircraft, or over $1M in damage.

Commando Solo II - The name for the Psychological Warfare (PSYOP) Mission flown by one ANG unit.

Crossfeed - To transfer fuel from any tank by routing the fuel through the crossfeed manifold.

Ditching - An emergency procedure by which an aircrew attempts to land a land-based aircraft on the water.

Fuselage tanks - Fuel tanks in the cargo compartment of some C-130 aircraft.

Fuselage tanks - Fuel tanks in the cargo compartment of some C-130 aircraft.

Gravity Feed - When fuel flows directly from a tank to its associated engine without the use of fuel tank boost pumps.

Master Engine - Engine whose propeller RPM is used as the standard against which all other (slave) engines are synchronized.

Pogo - Draining a small amount of fuel out of aircraft tanks to check for contamination.

Rollback - An event in which multiple engines experience a sudden, relatively small, and simultaneous reduction in engine RPM--uncommanded by the crew and with no prior indications of engine problems.

Slave Engine - Engine whose propeller blade angle is adjusted, via the synchrophaser, to remain in phase and pitch with the master engine.

Sump - Draining a tank at its lowest point to check for and drain water or any other contaminants.

Tank-to-Engine - A fuel management configuration in which each engine is fed by the corresponding fuel tank above it.

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