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C-130 related acronyms

Robert Podboy

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Google custom search on the main page does a good job of finding information, but is there a way to find acronym descriptions without leaving C-130 Hercules .net and searching the WEB?

Attached is a list of some acronyms that I found on C-130 Hercules .net

Maybe the list could be expanded and be added to the Forum: Tips and Tricks section.

Many acronyms are well known, for example USAF, Sgt, FU, but many related to C-130’s / aircraft are unique. A list might help 'just enlisted' or non-military guests figure out what were talking about.

Repost if you want to add to, update or change the list….

Acronym Description

AAF Afghan Air Force

ABCCC Airborne Battlefield Command and Control

AFP Armed Forces of the Philippines

AKA Also Known As

AMARC Aircraft Maintenance And Regeneration Center "the bone yard"

AMC Air Mobility Command

ANG Air National Guard

AO Agent Orange was an herbicide used by the U.S. military to kill shrubs and plants during the war in Vietnam.

APU Axillary Power Unit

C / N The Construction Number, also known as manufacturer's serial number (msn), is the permanent identity of an aircraft assigned by the manufacturer.

C-130 AKA Hercules, Herc

CCK Ching Chuan Kang Air Base is a Republic of China Air Force (ROCAF) base located in Taichung, Taiwan.

CRB Cam Ranh Bay

CWB Center Wing Box

CYA Cover Your Asp

DOD Department Of Defense

E & E Electrical and Environmental Systems

EAS Expeditionary Airlift Squadron

ECS Electronic Combat Squadron



FOB Forward Operating Base

FOD Foreign Object Debris or Foreign Object Damage

HERP Hostile Environment Repair Procedures

HOC Hercules Operation Council

IAR International Air Response

IED Improvised Explosive Device

LMCO Lockheed Martin Corporation

LMT NYSE symbol Lockheed Martin


LVIS Land, Vegetation and Ice Sensor

MRE Meal, Ready-to-Eat

PACAF Pacific Air Forces

PCA (ed) Permanent Change of Assignment (PCA), which describes the reassignment of active duty personnel to a new unit within the same military base.

PCS (ed) Permanent Change of Station (PCS) is the official relocation of an active duty military service member—along with any family members living with her or him—to a different duty location,

RAF Royal Air Force

SEA South East Asia

STC (ed)

TDY Temporary Duty Assignment


TO The Air Force Technical Order (TO) System provides educational and operational tools for supporting AF-wide operations and maintenance programs.


TSN Tan Son Nhut Air Base (Vietnamese: Căn cứ không quân Tân Sơn Nhứt) (1955– 1975) was a Republic of Vietnam Air Force (VNAF) facility.

UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), also known as a drone, is an aircraft without a human pilot on board.

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CLSS Combat Logistics Support Squadron

GTC Gas Turbine Compressor

LPU Life Preserver Unit

RAM Tapid Area Maintenance Team

TATG Tactical Airlift Training Group

TATS Tactical Airlift Training Squadron

TDS Temperature Datum System

TG Test Group

TIT Turbine Inlet Temperature

TOLD Takeoff and Landing Data

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AA Air America

ACC Air Combat Command

ACS Air Commando Squadron

AB Air Base

AFB Air Force Base

AFRES Air Force Reserve

AGE Aerospace Ground Equipment

AS Airlift Squadron

AW Airlift Wing

AWAD All Weather Airborne Delivery System

Cr Crashed

Dam Damaged

ECM Electronic Counter Measures

FIGMO Finally I Got My Orders

FUBAR F&*^ed Up Beyond All Repair

Gelac Lockheed-Georgia Marietta, GA

IAP International Airport

MAC Military Airlift Command

MATS Military Air Transport Service

SOS Special Operations Squadron

SOG Special Operations Group

SOW Special Operations Wing

SVAF South Vietnam Air Force

Wfu Withdrawn from use

W/O Written off

WRS Weather Reconnaissance Squadron

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Updated list;

Added WAF Women in the Air Force

Added FAF Fly Around the Flagpole

Acronym Description

AA - Air America

AAF - Afghan Air Force

AB - Air Base

ABCCC - Airborne Battlefield Command and Control

ABDR - Aircraft Battle Damage Repair

ACC - Air Combat Command

ACS - Air Commando Squadron

AFB - Air Force Base

AFP - Armed Forces of the Philippines

AFRES - Air Force Reserve

AGE - Aerospace Ground Equipment

AKA - Also Known As

AMARC - Aircraft Maintenance And Regeneration Center "the bone yard"

AMC - Air Mobility Command

ANG - Air National Guard

AO - Agent Orange was an herbicide used by the U.S. military to kill shrubs and plants during the war in Vietnam.

APU - Axillary Power Unit

AS - Airlift Squadron

ATM - Air Turbine motor

AW - Airlift Wing

AWAD - All Weather Airborne Delivery System

BOHICA - Bend Over, Here It Comes Again

C / N - The Construction Number, also known as manufacturer's serial number (msn), is the permanent identity of an aircraft assigned by the manufacturer.

C-130 - AKA Hercules, Herc

CCK - Ching Chuan Kang Air Base is a Republic of China Air Force (ROCAF) base located in Taichung, Taiwan.

CDS - Container Delivery System

CLSS - Combat Logistics Support Squadron

Cr - Crashed

CRB - Cam Ranh Bay

CWB - Center Wing Box

CYA - Cover Your Asp

DAM - Damaged

DOD - Department Of Defense

E & E - Electrical and Environmental Systems

EAS - Expeditionary Airlift Squadron

ECM - Electronic Counter Measures

ECS - Electronic Combat Squadron

EWP - Emergency War Plan

FAF - Fly Around the Flag pole

FIGMO - Finally I Got My Orders

FNG - F&*^ing New Guys

FOB - Forward Operating Base

FOBAR - F&*^ed Up Beyond All Repair

FOD - Foreign Object Debris or Foreign Object Damage

Gelac - Lockheed-Georgia Marietta, GA

GTC - Gas Turbine Compressor

HERP - Hostile Environment Repair Procedures

HOC - Hercules Operation Council

HUW - Hurry Up and Wait

IAP - International Airport

IAR - International Air Response

IED - Improvised Explosive Device

LAPES - Low Altitude Parachute Extraction System

LMAP - Left hand mill around pattern

LMCO - Lockheed Martin Corporation

LMT - NYSE symbol Lockheed Martin

LPU - Life Preserver Unit

LVIS - Land, Vegetation and Ice Sensor

MAC - Military Airlift Command

MATS - Military Air Transport Service

MRE - Meal, Ready-to-Eat

PACAF - Pacific Air Forces

PCA (ed) - Permanent Change of Assignment (PCA), which describes the reassignment of active duty personnel to a new unit within the same military base.

PCS (ed) - Permanent Change of Station (PCS) is the official relocation of an active duty military service member—along with any family members living with her or him—to a different duty location,

RAF - Royal Air Force

RAM - Rapid Area Maintenance Team

SEA - South East Asia

SKE - Station Keeping Equipment

SNAFU . Situation Normal, All Fouled ( or word of your choice) UP

SOG - Special Operations Group

SOS - Special Operations Squadron

SOW - Special Operations Wing

SVAF - South Vietnam Air Force

TAC - Tactical Airlift Command

TAD - .Navy in place of TDY. Temporary Attached Duty.

TAS - Tactical Airlift Squadron

TATG - Tactical Airlift Training Group

TATS - Tactical Airlift Training Squadron

TCS - Troop Carrier Squadron

TDS - Temperature Datum System

TDY - Temporary Duty Assignment

TG - Test Group

TIT - Turbine Inlet Temperature

TO - The Air Force Technical Order (TO) System provides educational and operational tools for supporting AF-wide operations and maintenance programs.

TOLD - Takeoff and Landing Data

TSN - Tan Son Nhut Air Base (Vietnamese: Căn cứ không quân Tân Sơn Nhứt) (1955– 1975) was a Republic of Vietnam Air Force (VNAF) facility.

UAV - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), also known as a drone, is an aircraft without a human pilot on board.

W/O - Written off

WAF - Women in the Air Force, the program ended in 1976 when women were accepted into the USAF on an equal basis with men.

WFU - Withdrawn from use

WRS - Weather Reconnaissance Squadron

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Here is a few more.

AB: Air Base

AD: Air Division

AF: Air Force

AFB: Air Force Base

ANG: Air National Guard

AP: Airport

AMARC: Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Center, Davis Monthan AFB, AZ

ANLC: Army-Navy Liquidation Commission

BG: Bombardment Group

BS: Bombardment Squadron

C/N: Construction Number or Control Number

CAP: Civil Air Patrol

CCTS: Combat Crew Training Squadron

DOW: Died of Wounds.

FMS: Foreign Military Sales

FY: Fiscal Year

IAAFA: Intra-America Air Forces Academy

JASDF: Japan Air Self Defense Force

KIA: Killed In Action

MAP: Military Assistance Program

MASDC: Military Aircraft Storage and Disposal Center

MIA: Missing In Action

NACA: National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics

NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

NASM: National Air and Space Museum

NE: North East

NEIAF: Netherlands East Indies Air Force

NW: North West

PLAAF: People's Liberation Army Air Force

POW: Prisoner of War

RAAF: Royal Australian Air Force

RAF: Royal Air Force

RCAF: Royal Canadian Air Force

RFC: Reconstruction Finance Corporation

RMC: Returned to Military Control

RNZAF: Royal New Zealand Air Force

ROCAF: Republic of China Air Force

RVN: Republic of Vietnam

SE: South East

SOC: Struck Off Charge

SOS: Special Operations Squadron

SS: Support Squadron

SVN: South Vietnam

SW: South West

TAG: Tactical Airlift Group

TAS: Tactical Airlift Squadron

TAW: Tactical Airlift Wing

TCS: Troop Carrier Squadron

TCW: Troop Carrier Wing

USAAC: United States Army Air Corps

USAAF: United States Army Air Forces

USAF: United States Air Force

VIP: Very Important Person

VNAF: South Vietnamese Air Force

WAA: War Assets Administration

W/O: Written Off

WFU: Withdrawn From Use

WPAFB: Wright Patterson Air Force Base

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C-130 - AKA Four Fan Trash Can

C-130 - AKA Four Fans of Freedom

JEEP - Just Enough Education To Pass

IYAAYAS - If You Ain't Ammo, You Ain't Shit

3C - Cross Cultural Competence

ARI - Alcohol Related Incident

ERO - Engine Running Onload/Offload

FGO - Field Grade Officer (majors, lieutenant colonels, and colonels)

PFM - Pure F&*^king Magic; Term to refer to a technical problem that somehow resolved itself

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AC Gen - Alternating Current Generator or Aircraft Generator

T Handle - Fire warning control devices (shaped like the letter T) located in the cockpit. Each engine had one handle. in the event of an engine fire, the T Handle for the affected engine would flash red lights. Pulling the handle would discharge fire extinguishers in the affected engine and would shut down the engine and feather the prop. (TMI?)

ASS - Anti-skid system. Acted like Antilock brakes for the main landing gear.

NERTS - Not repairable this station. Aircraft parts so severely damaged, they cannot be repaired locally and have to be sent to a major repair facility.

Midnight Chow - SOS smothering toast and scrambled eggs. UMMMMM UMMMM GOOD!!

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"T Handle - Fire warning control devices (shaped like the letter T) located in the cockpit. Each engine had one handle. in the event of an engine fire, the T Handle for the affected engine would flash red lights. Pulling the handle would discharge fire extinguishers in the affected engine and would shut down the engine and feather the prop. (TMI?)"

Could be my CRS again, but I am thinking pulling the "T" handle would position all the fire extingusher valves to that engine,

Shut off all systems to that engine, feather the prop, but a button had to be pushed before the fire extinusher bottle would be

activated. ???

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"T Handle - Fire warning control devices (shaped like the letter T) located in the cockpit. Each engine had one handle. in the event of an engine fire, the T Handle for the affected engine would flash red lights. Pulling the handle would discharge fire extinguishers in the affected engine and would shut down the engine and feather the prop. (TMI?)"

Could be my CRS again, but I am thinking pulling the "T" handle would position all the fire extingusher valves to that engine,

Shut off all systems to that engine, feather the prop, but a button had to be pushed before the fire extinusher bottle would be

activated. ???


You are 100% correct, the act of pulling the fire handle provides power for the agent discharge switch, to fire the bottle you must activate the switch. One other small correction, a flashing light either red or green (NVG) is a turbine overheat while a steady light in the fire handle is a fire.


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WRONG! Pulling the T-handle does NOT provide power to discharge the fire bottles. Pulling the T-handle does nothing more than actuate the valves on the system to direct the agent to the appropriate engine. It also cuts fuel, bleed air, oil pumps, feathers the prop, etc. as stated above. However, at ANY TIME you can press the agent discharge switch to the 1 or 2 position and the agent will discharge BY DEFAULT to the #2 engine at anytime, provided no T-handles are pulled. If any of the T-handles are pulled, it will discharge to that particular engine or the APU based on valve positions.

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WRONG! Pulling the T-handle does NOT provide power to discharge the fire bottles. Pulling the T-handle does nothing more than actuate the valves on the system to direct the agent to the appropriate engine. It also cuts fuel, bleed air, oil pumps, feathers the prop, etc. as stated above. However, at ANY TIME you can press the agent discharge switch to the 1 or 2 position and the agent will discharge BY DEFAULT to the #2 engine at anytime, provided no T-handles are pulled. If any of the T-handles are pulled, it will discharge to that particular engine or the APU based on valve positions.

Think maybe there's a little confusion with this. My understanding, granted from an aging memory.

1. Pull the T handle.

2. closes both hydraulic valves to create run-a-round circuit, 1 solenoid operated, 1 motor operated.

3. closes fuel valves - 2 if I remember correctly, supply and from fuel control.

4. closes oil valve.

5. closes bleed air valve.

6. positions fire directional control valves to that engine. By design FDCV are defaulted to #2 eng. Has to be configured to start somewhere. 1 valve from the bottles (under bottles), 1 valve to select wing (under bottles), 1 valve (inbd dry bays - I always checked the positioning of these with my finger during the -1 preflight - only ever found 1 that was put in backwards) to select engine on that wing.

7. also energizes the fire agent discharge switch, else the agent could be discharged without a handle even being pulled.

8. feathers the prop.

Something about speed sensitive control pops into my head but can't remember why or even if affected.

Another note: if the 2nd bottle is needed it will be directed to where ever the last T handle was pulled. Thus if a 2nd engine gets shut down without agent discharge and the 2nd bottle is needed on the 1st engine shutdown, you have to reset the T handle for the 1st engine and re-pull it to reset the FDCV.

1986 was the last year i was on a Herc, so there's 27 years of dust on my brain.

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WRONG! Pulling the T-handle does NOT provide power to discharge the fire bottles. Pulling the T-handle does nothing more than actuate the valves on the system to direct the agent to the appropriate engine. It also cuts fuel, bleed air, oil pumps, feathers the prop, etc. as stated above. However, at ANY TIME you can press the agent discharge switch to the 1 or 2 position and the agent will discharge BY DEFAULT to the #2 engine at anytime, provided no T-handles are pulled. If any of the T-handles are pulled, it will discharge to that particular engine or the APU based on valve positions.


First off, relax no need to shout, were all friends here! Could you provide schematics or T.O. references to support your theory that the discharge switch is always powered? Not saying you're wrong but it does go against all training I have received.


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First off, relax no need to shout, were all friends here! Could you provide schematics or T.O. references to support your theory that the discharge switch is always powered? Not saying you're wrong but it does go against all training I have received.


WRONG! Pulling the T-handle does NOT provide power to discharge the fire bottles. Pulling the T-handle does nothing more than actuate the valves on the system to direct the agent to the appropriate engine. It also cuts fuel, bleed air, oil pumps, feathers the prop, etc. as stated above. However, at ANY TIME you can press the agent discharge switch to the 1 or 2 position and the agent will discharge BY DEFAULT to the #2 engine at anytime, provided no T-handles are pulled. If any of the T-handles are pulled, it will discharge to that particular engine or the APU based on valve positions.

Ok, lets solve this issue. Right from the -1, or at least from the -1 that I have. Good to know that after 27 odd years my memory wasn't too bad.

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