C-130 General
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Bob Got your message thanks. I tried to reply but your e mail said "over quota" and you don't receive e mail through the site. Anyhow thanks for the reply. Bob
Last reply by bobdaley, -
- 13 replies
Hey, Anyone out there who was stationed with the 67th? I was maintenance, hydraulics, 1969 - 1972 there. Good duty and lots of good memories.
Last reply by Tpm617, -
- 0 replies
There was a video that I came across on youtube a few years back that had three airplanes competing for the contract that the C-130 ended up getting. I can't seem to find it anywhere. It had stuff about three different planes. Any help finding it or links to it would be much appreciated It was like this short video but more in depth
Last reply by Ben Legere, -
- 2 replies
for your viewing pleasure. C-130Q N130FF "Tanker 131" c/n [cn]4901[/cn] **************************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************** [yt]sf-zl6jzOQ4[/yt]
Last reply by MHeflin, -
- 9 replies
I just discovered this site and was wondering if there are any of "the guys" around that were stationed at CCK. I was a Loadmaster on the C-130E and was stationed at CCK between Feb 1967 and Jun 1968.
Last reply by JimH, -
- 1 reply
The Castle Air Museum has N466TM listed on their future projects page: http://www.castleairmuseum.org/c130ahercules It was seen at Atwater last month. Does anyone know when it actually arrived please? Thanks, Andy
Last reply by Fritz Wester, -
- 1 reply
Andy I had not heard about that one. Thank you. Any idea when? Bob
Last reply by Andy Marden, -
- 5 replies
As pilots, were any of you taught how the prop slipstream affected wing lift? If so, is there so little effect that it is negligible? Does it affect the horizontal stabs more than the wings?
Last reply by donwon, -
by donwon- 0 replies
I have been out 0f the USAF 48 years today. I didn't know when I was well off.
Last reply by donwon, -
- 38 replies
Can anyone up date us on the H model shuffle? So far I heard that MT ANG has 2 H's from LRF 73-1597 and 74-1671 Mansfield OH ANG has 5 H's from various units 81-0626, 0629 and 630, 82-0054 and 0056 and 83-0488 CT ANG has 3 H's from LRF 74-1664, 1667 and 2134 Dobbins has 3 H's from LRF 92-0551, 0552 and 93-1039 I'm sure there are more. Thanks Bob
Last reply by bobdaley, -
- 0 replies
Lockheed introduced a shoulder patch to commemorate the one million flight hours done by J model. Is there any way to get one online?
Last reply by avio@superherc, -
- 1 reply
There was an article last week about a new J being delivered to 61AS at LRF? Two questions. The article said it was the 9th J for the 61st. I had 5734,36,38,40,45,48,52,56 Is there another one? The article said it was the final J for the 61st. That seems unusual, most squadrons now seem to have a UE of 14? Anyone help? Thanks Bob
Last reply by polcat, -
- 1 reply
Anyone have any pix of the floods at St Joe, particularly pix of the acft sitting on the ramp with all the water? I've seen some before but have lost track of them. Thanks
Last reply by Railrunner130, -
- 8 replies
Made the mistake of opening up Google Earth and wasted the AM. Interesting though 37 18 42.36N 76 38 28.73W Camp Peary Spook Base Should be 57-0519 37 16 43.06N 76 36 39.63W Cheatham Annex Naval Supply Base Should be 57-0483 36 06 07.61N 76 19 33.76W Harvey Point another Spook Base Don’t know, seems like there is always a Herk there but it may be active. Bob
Last reply by bobdaley, -
- 2 replies
[ATTACH=CONFIG]4449[/ATTACH] I was ask in a PM if I had one or not.
Last reply by Dutch, -
I have tried contacting Jansen by e mail with no luck and haven't seen him on the site in awhile. Has anyone heard from him? Are you out there Jansen? Thanks Bob
Last reply by NATOPS1, -
- 0 replies
Just got a report from Andy Marden on the Ecuadorean AF Ecuador got 4 ex USAF B models. None of them are flying. Three were left behind at the old Quito airport. One went to the new airport and is parked looking derelict. FAE 894 ex USAF 57-0525 Lock 3501 moved to the new airport. FAE 897 ex USAF 61-2645 Lock 3683 is in the AF Museum at the old Quito airport. Andy found that at least most of us had misidentified 895 and 896. They are both on the ramp at old Quito. One clearly identified as 895 was unable to be identified. All along we thought it was ex USAF 57-0529 Lock 3505. But 895 was sitting next to 57-0529, still identifiable from its old USAF paint scheme.…
Last reply by bobdaley, -
- 11 replies
Italian C-130 crashes, 5 dead The Associated Press Posted : Monday Nov 23, 2009 17:00:30 EST ROME — An Italian air force transport plane crashed onto train tracks near a military airport in the Tuscan city of Pisa on Monday and burst into flames, killing its five-member crew, officials said. Air force Col. Mauro Gabetta said the C-130 was on a training flight and was approaching the airport when it suddenly veered away and then crashed. The cause of the crash is under investigation. The Pisa fire department said the plane crashed onto railway tracks, setting afire electrical wires. No train was in the area at the time. Source: http://www.airforcetimes…
Last reply by bobdaley, -
- 6 replies
Have been trying to find C-130 decals for over a year now. Was able to "score 3" from my old unit at a recent retirement. One of my "Reservist", now ART for many years now was able to get them made and sent to me! I placed them on the back window of my topper installed on my '13 Toyota Tundra. Enjoy, Rex.
Last reply by Graywolf88, -
- 16 replies
Hi all, Been a while since I last posted on here but can anyone confirm if WC-130H 65-0984 is with the KY ANG please? Have seen a report of it flying with the 165th in December of 2012 but I can't find any images of it wearing KY ANG markings. In fact I can't find any images of 65-0984 after 2011! Thanks, Koen
Last reply by bobdaley, -
Hi All, Tried to e mail Doughy Baker but lost his address. Gerke Hofstra just sent me the first pic I have seen of RAF XV180 c/n [cn]4196[/cn]. Bob
- 2 replies
I've been following the thread concerning the "screenplay", finding it very interesting, but another thought came to mind a bit ago. The amount of aircraft knowledge, especially the C-130!, is stunning!!!!!! The number of years of experience here on this forum is equally impressive!!!!!! My personal experience here on the C-130 site is, that, I didn't know that I knew as much as I did about the Herk!!!!!. I didn't know it at the time but NCO's such as Sgt. Ragland, Sgt. Middleton, and Sgt. Geyer did a superior job of "on the job training" for this silly farm kid !!!!! They're no longer here, but if they were I owe them a hearty Thank You!!!!!!!
Last reply by steve haigler, -
by tinwhistle- 12 replies
Some time ago there was a discussion in this forum concerning the ABCCC birds in Vietnam. Even though I actually assisted in loading the module, both at CCK and at Danang I was told that I was mistaken, that the modules were loaded and hooked up in the States. Just the other day I stumbled upon some old pictures, and low and behold, there is a pic of the ABCCC mod being loaded. And it ain't at Hickam or anywhere else in the U.S. If I'm not mistaken, it's at Danang. I'll see if I can upload the pic to this post. If not it can be viewed in "My Gallery".
Last reply by DC10FE, -
- 0 replies
Bill passed away Sept. 30, 2014 following a cardiac procedure at Sacred Heart RiverBend Hospital in Eugene, OR. A Celebration of Life is being held Oct. 1( today ) in Springfield, OR.
Last reply by BAILEY, -
Last reply by Mt.crewchief,