C-130 General
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Got this off the AFA news letter: Muff Missing Vietnam War Airmen Identified: The Department of Defense announced May 27 that it has identified the remains of four airmen who were part of a 14-man AC-130 gunship crew that went missing when their aircraft was shot down by a surface-to-air missile in March 1972 during an armed reconnaissance mission over southern Laos. Two of the airmen were Maj. Barclay B. Young of Hartford, Conn., and SMSgt. James K. Caniford of Brunswick, Md. DOD is withholding the names of the two others at the request of their families. Caniford will be buried today (May 28) in Arlington National Cemetery; Young\'s burial date is being set by his f…
Last reply by Muff Millen, -
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This is a new website that indexes 550000 Air Force Historical documents: http://www.AirForceHistoryIndex.org
Last reply by rivars, -
Memorial day salute
by Guest- 4 replies
To all the veterans who have gone before us,we Salute you one and all Tom A
- 7 replies
I was just watching Heartbreak Ridge, and at the end when they fly home on the 130 it\'s lacking externals but has pods. I\'ve never seen a herk with pods but not externals. What\'s going on here? I found this screenshot, but you can\'t see the pods from it; [img size=150]http://victoryatseaonline.com/war/otherwars/heartbreak/ridge-32.jpg
Last reply by homerec130, -
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53 AS [file name=NAMAR_53rd_Airlift_Squadron_reactivates.txt size=3009]http://herkybirds.com/images/fbfiles/files/NAMAR_53rd_Airlift_Squadron_reactivates.txt[/file]
Last reply by Roy, -
- 1 reply
Here is a good site for you great folks that flew the trail mostly at night droping flares or on the AC Herks. A lot of current day photos of the trail very interesting. Muff http://tinyurl.com:80/68hl5f
Last reply by wysongj, -
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This is kind of a funny story from a civilan perspective on a C130 trip to Coronet Oak. http://savannahnow.com/node/499268
Last reply by C130Hcc, -
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There is a photo on airliners.net that shows a J-model taking off from Altus AFB with the APU door open (probably running). Heaven forbid that I post the photo here without the photographer\'s permission (don\'t want to piss off the \"mystery Herc\" photographer or the copywrite police), so here\'s the photo number -- 1354905. Check it out. Now, here\'s my question. Is it normal procedure on the J-model to run the APU in flight? As I remember, it was an emergency procedure for the military & the APU wasn\'t certified for inflight use on commercial Hercs. Thanks, Don R.
Last reply by Chris Down Under, -
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Muff I got the post card. Thanks a lot, Bob
Last reply by bobdaley, -
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NO GOOD DEED GOES UNPUNISHED! A biker is riding by the zoo when he sees a little girl leaning into the lion\'s cage. Suddenly, the lion grabs her by the cuff of her jacket and tries to pull her inside to slaughter her, under the eyes of her screaming parents. The biker jumps off his bike, runs to the cage, and hits the lion square on the nose with a powerful punch. Whimpering from the pain, the lion jumps back letting go of the girl, and the biker brings her to her terrified parents, who thank him endlessly. A NYT reporter has seen the whole scene and, addressing the biker, says, \'Sir, this was the most gallant and brave thing I saw a man do in …
Last reply by C130Hcc, -
- 16 replies
Hello---new to forum,nice site. I am going to model a C-130 and need info. It is one my brother maintained when he was stationed at Forbes AFB back around 1970-1975. He is no longer around so I have no info on the type. I think they were E\'s? but not sure. He went in after ROTC from college---when he graduated from UMASS in 70 he was called up and sent to Chanute for training then stationed at Forbes, was let out early when Viet Nam ended around 74 or 75? All I remember was he had a model, think it was Italeri 1/72 painted in SEA cammo, he displayed it on his stereo system next with a \"Remove Before Flight\" flag on his stereo.Any info would be appreciated---Thanks---Jo…
Last reply by John53, -
- 1 reply
Ijust got this info from a friend and thought you folks on this board would be interested. Godspeed Jimmy...you will never be forgotten. Muff Date Mon, May 5, 2008 at 8:12 AM Subject SMSgt James Kenneth Caniford (MIA/KIA) recovered in Laos, AC-130A \'Spectre 13\' Graveside Service will be at 1:00 p.m. (E.S.T.) Wednesday, 28 May 2008 in Arlington National Cemetery with full military honors and a flyover. Although Arlington is running a couple of months behind, because of so many WWII, Korea & Vietnam veteran funerals, Active Duty has priority and Jimmy is still carried as Active Duty ...so he moves to the head of the line. ~ Godspeed Jimmy ~ …
Last reply by Skip Davenport, -
Picture of the week
by Guest- 1 reply
its nice to see my old birds getting an update
Last reply by donwon, -
- 3 replies
Has anyone been to Greybull lately? Do they still have the 6 A models there? Thanks Bob
Last reply by Lkuest, -
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Let\'s see a C117 do this....Got this off the AFA magazine site. Muff Just Another Day: The crew of a C-130 transport from Pope AFB, N.C., overcame the failure of two of the aircraft\'s four engines during a flight March 19 in Southwest Asia to safely deliver five wounded personnel to their destination. While in flight, the No. 2 engine began leaking oil and had to be shut down. About an hour later, the No. 3 engine began malfunctioning and eventually had to be turned off as well. As if that wasn\'t enough, the aircraft\'s autopilot, radar, and No. 1 compass system also went dead. But through it all the crew persevered and reached the destination, landing the C-130 w…
Last reply by DC10FE, -
- 1 reply
For two very modest Flight Engineers, (FE) they were just doing their job. WO Ray Tanguay and MCpl Dale Warren, from 408 Tactical Helicopter Squadron were honoured with a Canadian Air Force Flight Safety \'For Professionalism\' Awards. Both members took intervening actions that averted a potential aerial disaster of a U.S. C-130 Hercules aircraft on Nov. 26, 2007, at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. For the complete story: http://www.edmontonsun.com/News/World/2008/05/01/5437381-sun.html
Last reply by jetcal1, -
100th J-Model delivery
by Guest- 0 replies
News clip from a Lockheed source.... C-130J Milestone On April 27 Lockheed Martin delivered the 100th C-130J Super Hercules to the U.S.Government. The C-130J was delivered to Little Rock Air Force Base, Ark., where it is assigned to the 41st Airlift Squadron, the Blackcats, which is currently engaged in Southwest Asia on their first combat deployment. This latest C-130J was accepted by Brig. Gen. Rowayne A. Schatz Jr., Commander, 314th Airlift Wing, and Installation Commander at Little Rock Air Force Base.
- 17 replies
She could be my door gunner.
Last reply by WxFE, -
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Last week one of our planes hit some birds while flying low over the Pacific ocean. It was flying great all week, and now it\'s grounded for a few stupid seagulls. One tried to skewer itself on the pitot tube and left messy blood all over the nose by the crew door, another bounced off the armpit area and left blood and guts streaked all down the side from near the ATM all the way back to the paratroop door. The third bird went clean through the leading edge on the horizontal stab. [img size=400]http://herkybirds.com/images/fbfiles/images/birdhole1.jpg Please share your best bird strike stories.
Last reply by APUnit, -
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Anyone have any info on this story. Found two pics on the AF website here: http://www.af.mil/photos/index.asp?page=2
Last reply by DC10FE, -
MOVED: new pics
by Guest- 0 replies
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Hi I got an e mail today that said \"I think 62-1793, 63-7764 and 63-7829 are Ground trainers at Little Rock\". I showed 62-1793 flying with the 61AS and 63-7829 flying with the 53 AS going to 62 AS? I know 63-7764 was dropped from the inventory years ago but I did not know it was a ground trainer? Can anyone verify that these three are now ground trainers? Any idea why 62-1816 and 72-1296 which are permanently grounded did not go to AMARC? Politicians? Thanks Bob
Last reply by AndyMarden, -
- 18 replies
I\'m pretty sure that I saw this first on RAF Hercs, and then much later in life, on some L100s. Its written on the steps of the crew door, readable from the outside when they\'re down, and it says \"For Ground and Air Use Only\" I\'m aware that most Hercs don\'t have it and I\'ve always wondered why some procedure put it there. What does it mean? My first and only thought is \"Don\'t open that door if you\'ve ditched in water\", but when the door\'s closed, the warning is upside down. Who is going to take the time to try to read that sh** when ......Glug Glug?? Just a long lived thought.
Last reply by agarrett, -
C-130J off to war 1 2
by Dutch- 30 replies
I donot want to start something but I thought this might be if interest to some. C-130J Off To War, Opens New Air Force Chapter Regular duty to put new cargo plane to test By Amy Schlesing, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Capt. Ben Robins raised his hands in the air and cheered from his perch on a concrete barrier near the edge of the Little Rock Air Force Base flight line Monday as he watched the C-130J slowly roll toward the runway. Shortly before 6 p.m., as the evening sun set the sky ablaze with streaks of pink and orange, Lt. Col. Dan Tulley, 41st Airlift Squadron commander, coaxed Tail No. 3145 airborne, the first C-130J cargo plane in the active Air For…
Last reply by Dan Wilson, -
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Any of you guys used the USN OPARS system for flight planning. It performs Route Optimization including off airways. I\'m interested in hearing pro\'s / con\'s etc. in comparison to other systems including civilians systems. Cheers, ST
Last reply by Stirling_Taylor,